NPR 2012-07-11
时间:2012-09-13 06:18:18
The fight over taxes is again playing out on the campaign trail.President Obama went to the swing state of Iowa where he argued that Bush-era tax cut should be extended another year for low and middle income earners but not for the wealthiest in America such as himself.Mr. Obama has challengeed to his republican rival Mitt1 Romney to quoted compromise to help the middle class.After being called the proponent2 of outsourcing,Romney fired back.I'm putting money in the energy companies ,solar and wind energy companies and end up making their products outside the US.If there is an outsourcer in chief,is the president of the US,not the guy who's running to replace him.Romney during a campaign in southern Calorado today which is another battle ground state.
Debate is under way in the US house on a builder overturned the health care law.NPR T Keys reports the house has already passed more than 2 dozens other measures to
repeal3, defund ,or
dismantle4 the law.This is house republican's first repeal effort, some
supreme5 court decision to keep the long place.Frank Londo is the republican representative from new
jersey6.The supreme court made it completely clear that this is a new tax.With a very fragile economy,the last thing we need to do is
imposing7 new tax on our businesses.
Democrats8 including Minnessota's Key Alison say the house will be better off spending this time discussing the job creation.Well,we won't because we have to go repeal health care again for the 31st time.The senate is unlikely to take it up and the president has already promised a veto,T K,NPR news the capital.
Attorney General Eric
Holder9 he will do whatever he can to protect voting rights from minorities.Holder is criticizing tax in other states have had adopted voter ID laws.NPR's Carry Johnson reports Holder called the new
restriction10 poll taxes.At the end of OACP convention Houston,the Attorney General the party from his s remarks still like a new restriction at the
ballot11 bar.To the poll taxes that southern states adopted after the civil war.Holder said his justice department will not quote allow political pretest to disenfranchise American citizens of their most precious right.His remark came as a special federal court in Washington D.C started hearing out the instance of justice department challenge to the taxes voter right identification law.The nation first black Attorney General s end up OACP members shouted his name and a show of support after the US house voted xx last month.Carry Johnson NPR news,Washington.
Before the close on wall street,DOW is down 83 points,more than half of percent 12,653 in trading with 3 billion shares.NASDAQ off 1% at 2902.This is NPR news.
A group of unionized publican employees in Pennslyvania suing the city of Scranton after the mayor cut workers pay to minimum wage in a broader attempt to control spending.The associated press signing the xxx of xxx says several legal action will be filed including a emotional H M C in contempt of court. The allegedly violated the judge orders to pay people full wages.About 400 workers were thanked by X's action last week.
According to a new survey,more teachers want their unions to push for a form.NPR G S reports it's somewhat surprising finding compared just 5 years ago.In 2007, 52% of teachers want their unions to focus on bread and butter issues like pay and
retirement12 benefits.Today,just 42% feel the same way,that's according to the journal education
sector13 which surveyed 1100 teachers and their attitude toward evalution
tenure14 and removing ineffective teachers.About 80% of those surveys said the school's evalution policies were fair.A surprising 54% favor t student progress to teachers' effectiveness,although most teachers oppose the use of test score to determine teachers' pay.Only a third favor merit pay
specially15 if it involved teachering in tough neighbourhood school.A majority of teachers support their unions and want them to play a bigger role in w out bad teachers.G S,NPR news.
European finance minister has agreed on the terms of financial rescue for Spain where the unemployment rates approaching 25%.They said the first 47 billion will be available in the next few weeks.
I'm Lakshmi Singh.NPR news,Washington.