

时间:2012-11-19 06:02:26



   [00:10.27]<i>Do what you wanna do</i>

  [00:12.91]<i>Be what you wanna be</i>
  [00:14.95]<i>Freedom’s no mystery</i>
  [00:18.28]<i>Say what you wanna say</i>
  [00:20.85]<i>Tomorrow is another day</i>
  [00:22.92]<i>But here’s the news</i>
  [00:26.09]<i>Nobody’s stopping you</i>
  [00:28.23]<i>Do what you wanna do</i>
  [00:46.24]嘿  你吓着... Hey, you just...
  [00:49.55]嘿 丹尼 Hi, Donny.
  [00:51.08]你好... Hey...
  [00:54.22]我叫卡特 Carter.
  [00:55.49]好吧  多少钱 Right. How much?
  [00:58.79]不  不 不收费 说好的嘛 Oh, no, no, no. No charge. A deal’s a deal.
  [01:03.13]我出鱼饵换在也不用坐学校公车 Free bait in exchange for never having to take the bus again.
  [01:06.86]很好 Great.
  [01:16.37]- 卡特 有几句话跟你交代下  - 好吧 -Carter, talk to you for a second?  -Yeah.
  [01:19.08]他邀请你参加归乡人舞会了吗? So, did he ask you to that homecoming dance thing yet?
  [01:21.25]老爹 别让我难堪 Dad! Don’t embarrass me.
  [01:23.58]我是你爸爸  要对你负责  放学后直接回家 I’m your dad, it’s my job. Come home right after school.
  [01:27.28]这还有一堆活儿要干呢 We got a lot of work to do around here.
  [01:28.59]遵命! Yeah.
  [01:36.43]你在这干吗 What are you doing here?
  [01:38.03]丹尼做我的义务司机  直到我买了新车  听起来怎么样? Donny’s driving us until I get my new ride. Isn’t that sweet?
  [01:41.13]很好  可没我的位子了 That’s sweet. There’s no room for me.
  [01:44.40]当然有  上车吧  爬进来啊 Sure there is. Come on, climb in.
  [01:47.57]不行  她说的对 布鲁克已经挤着我的午餐服装了 No, she’s right. Brooke’s already wrinkling my after-lunch outfit1.
  [01:51.38]没  我都没碰着 No, I’m not!
  [01:52.84]切尔西  这只是高中  又不是拉斯维加斯  用不着这么换 Chelsea, this is high school, not Vegas. You don’t need a costume change.
  [01:57.38]是啊 Right.
  [01:59.55]哦  也许你用的着 But you might wanna think about it.
  [02:05.72]对不起了  卡特  对了  谢谢你的鱼饵 I’m sorry, Carter. Hey, thanks for the bait.
  [02:09.96]- 再见了  - 再见 -See you. -Bye.
  [02:11.53](SINGING) Do what you wanna do
  [02:13.93]<i>Be what you wanna be</i>
  [02:15.97]<i>Freedom’s no mystery</i>
  [02:19.34]<i>Say what you wanna say</i>
  [02:21.84]<i>Tomorrow is another day</i>
  [02:25.28]我真受不了他们  他们太公主霸气了 I can’t stand them. They’re such princesses.
  [02:29.25]你说的好像多大的事似的 You said that like it’s a bad thing.
  [02:31.82]卡特  她们还只是年轻人  都有点争强好胜 Carter, they’re teenage girls. They’re probably just jealous.
  [02:35.05]我肯定不止这么回事 Yeah, I’m pretty sure they’re not.
  [02:37.35](CELL PHONE RlNGlNG)
  [02:41.06]我是梅森  是的 长官 It’s Mason. Yes, sir.
  [02:45.43]没有 先生 No, sir.
  [02:48.80]马上到  Right away.
  [02:52.37]你又要出去? You’re leaving again?
  [02:53.67]最多两天!  没什么大事  只是例行公事而已 Two days, max. It’s no big deal. It’s just a routine op.
  [02:57.81]是啊  你总是这么说 Yeah, that’s what you always say.
  [03:02.85]注意安全  好吗? Just be careful. Okay?
  [03:05.58]会的 Always.
  [03:21.37]你和我  丫头  You and me, pal2.
  [03:23.30]我和你  老爹 You and me, Dad.
  [03:47.32]公主殿下  罗萨琳达·玛丽亚·蒙托亚·菲奥雷 DlMlTRl: Her Royal Highness, Rosalinda Marie Montoya Fiore.
  [03:54.06]驾到科斯塔卢娜 <i>Princesa de Costa Luna.</i>
  [03:57.67]你走起来要像下面臣民正在欢呼你一样  And you’re walking, and walking as your adoring subjects welcome you.
  [04:05.41]迪米特里  离我的加冕仪式还有一个月呢 Dimitri, my coronation is one month away.
  [04:08.61]- 用不着现在就开始练习吧   - 啊哈 -Why do we have to practice now?  -Ah!
  [04:10.75]现在排练是为了把一切都弄完美点嘛 The rehearsal3 is so that everything will be perfect.
  [04:15.82]公主殿下  你的加冕礼服真漂亮啊 <i>Princesa, what a beautiful coronation dress you are wearing.</i>
  [04:22.49]能问下  是谁设计的吗? Who, may I ask, designed it?
  [04:25.83]是你的功劳  优雅先生 You did, Mr. Elegante.
  [04:27.77]- 是我做的 我真是个天才 对吗  - 是啊 -So I did. I am brilliant, no? -(LAUGHlNG) Yes.
  [04:32.07]感谢你能来帮罗萨琳达 SOPHlA: Thank you for coming to help Rosalinda.
  [04:34.54]现在我丈夫去世了 Now that my husband has passed away,
  [04:36.57]只有她能继任 科斯塔卢娜 的国王 only she can become queen of Costa Luna.
  [04:39.41]可对一个年轻人来说太难了 But it is so much for someone so young.
  [04:42.08]我害怕凯恩将军要趁机兴风作浪 And I’m afraid that General Kane will take advantage of that.
  [04:45.48]别怕  我会在这儿的  索菲亚 我会像对待自己女儿一样保护她 No, I’ll be here, Sophia. I’ll protect her like she’s my own.
  [04:50.22]我就知道你会的 梅森少校 I know you will, Major Mason. I know you will.
  [04:53.09](CORONATlON MUSlC PLAYlNG)
  [04:54.16]音乐响起来了 Sounds like your music.
  [05:08.71]面向你的臣民  罗萨琳达 Turn to face your subjects, Rosalinda.
  [05:11.91]嘉宾 家人 朋友见证 Honored guests, family, friends,
  [05:14.81]我宣布 罗萨琳达·玛丽亚·蒙托亚·菲奥雷公主 <i>I present to you Princesa Rosalinda Marie Montoya Fiore,</i>
  [05:20.08]成为科斯塔卢娜的王位继承人 heir to the throne of Costa Luna.
  [05:22.59]她自愿成为你们的王后 She is willing to be your queen.
  [05:25.96]如果有人有异议反对  站出来给我们瞧瞧 If any person has a reason to object, let them come forward and be heard!
  [05:34.26](ALL GASPlNG)
  [05:36.60]我反对 I object.
  [05:41.31]公主太年轻了 还不能当王后 <i>The Princesa is too young to be queen.</i>
  [05:44.27]科斯塔卢娜 和 科斯塔埃斯特里拉 只是两个小国家 Costa Luna and Costa Estrella are two tiny countries
  [05:47.54]我们必须联合起来才能立足世界 who must unite and stand together against the world.
  [05:51.75]所以 本着为两国好  我  马格纳斯·凯恩将军 Therefore, for the good of both our countries, l, General Magnus Kane,
  [05:56.99]宣布自己当选 科斯塔斯共和国 的总统 declare myself El Presidente de la Republica de las Costas.
  [06:01.89](ALL EXCLAlMlNG)
  [06:03.09]抓了他们! Seize them!
  [06:06.20](ALL SHOUTlNG)
  [06:18.71]- 什么?  - 该走了 -What? -JOE: The time is now.
  [06:19.98]快跟梅森少校走  快跑 Go now with Major Mason. Go now!
  [06:26.25]快走 我的王后  马上 ARCHBlSHOP: Hurry, my queen, we must go now.
  [06:35.96]你是谁? 你要带我去哪儿? Who are you? Where are you taking me?
  [06:37.39]我是来这儿保护你的  你要相信我 I’m here to protect you, but you need to trust me.
  [06:39.46]可我妈妈怎么办? But what about my mother?
  [06:40.70]她会和我们会合的  我们先走 She’s going to meet us, but we need to hurry.
  [06:52.78]- 你还好吗 妈妈? - 我没事 宝贝  -Are you all right, Mama? -Yes, yes, darling, yes.
  [06:55.18]我就知道凯恩将军会这么干的 I knew General Kane would try something like this,
  [06:58.25]所以提前安排了计划保护你 so I made a plan to protect you.
  [07:00.02]你要相信梅森少校  你要按他说的做! You must trust Major Mason. You must do everything he says.
  [07:03.19]你能向我保证做到这些吗? Do you promise me you will do that?
  [07:04.52]- 我能  妈妈 我保证  - 我们该走了 -Yes, Mama, I promise.  -JOE: We need to move.
  [07:06.12]- 快走 - 妈妈 我们往哪逃 -Okay. Come on.  -Mama, where are we going?
  [07:08.16]不是我们  只是你 No, not "we," mija. You.
  [07:10.83]我走了  将军就会宣称我抛弃了国家 The General will say you abandoned the country,
  [07:12.96]所以我必须留下来  这样人民便会相信在形势安全时 你会回来 but I must stay, so the people know that you will return when it’s safe.
  [07:15.80]不  我不离开你 No! Not without you.
  [07:20.24]听好了 Here.
  [07:21.81]不管发生什么  你都要记住你是公主 So, no matter what happens, you never forget you are a princess.
  [07:31.48]不要害怕  我美丽的公主  我们很快就会团聚的 Don’t worry, mi reina bonita, we will be together very soon.
  [07:38.36](GUARDS SHOUTlNG)
  [07:41.06]我们得走了 快 We gotta go now. Let’s go.
  [08:01.91]快点  上来 JOE: Hurry up! Inside!
  [08:08.72]出发 Go!
  [08:43.55]你永远找不到她 You will never find her.
  [08:45.86]只要她还活着   科斯塔卢娜就有希望 And as long as she remains4 free, there will be hope in Costa Luna.
  [08:49.83]深表同意 I could not agree more.
  [08:51.96]可公主只是个小女孩  她一定会忍不住联络她的妈妈 But the Princesa is only a girl, madam. She will contact her mother.
  [08:57.23]所以等她这么做的时候  我就能把她抓回科斯塔卢娜  And when she does, I will bring her back to Costa Luna,
  [09:00.24]然后她和她的妈妈就能在牢笼里团聚了 where she will rot with her mother in a tiny dirt cell.
  [09:04.21]你们都将成为胆敢违背我的悲剧代表 You will both become a tragic5 symbol of futility6 to those who would defy me.
  [09:09.15]把她带下去 Take her away!
  [09:44.35]这是什么地方? What is this place?
  [09:46.25]你会知道的 You’ll see.
  [09:48.42](BlRDS SQUAWKlNG)



1 outfit YJTxC     
  • Jenney bought a new outfit for her daughter's wedding.珍妮为参加女儿的婚礼买了一套新装。
  • His father bought a ski outfit for him on his birthday.他父亲在他生日那天给他买了一套滑雪用具。
2 pal j4Fz4     
  • He is a pal of mine.他是我的一个朋友。
  • Listen,pal,I don't want you talking to my sister any more.听着,小子,我不让你再和我妹妹说话了。
3 rehearsal AVaxu     
  • I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal.我想给你放一下彩排的录像。
  • You can sharpen your skills with rehearsal.排练可以让技巧更加纯熟。
4 remains 1kMzTy     
  • He ate the remains of food hungrily.他狼吞虎咽地吃剩余的食物。
  • The remains of the meal were fed to the dog.残羹剩饭喂狗了。
5 tragic inaw2     
  • The effect of the pollution on the beaches is absolutely tragic.污染海滩后果可悲。
  • Charles was a man doomed to tragic issues.查理是个注定不得善终的人。
6 futility IznyJ     
  • She could see the utter futility of trying to protest. 她明白抗议是完全无用的。
  • The sheer futility of it all exasperates her. 它毫无用处,这让她很生气。

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