[00:03.22]And if he hates the song, Ieave the disguise on. 要是他不喜欢这首歌,你就一直把面具戴着
[00:09.38]Okay. 好吧
[00:10.70]I`m going to the dance. 我决定参加舞会了
[00:14.78]That`s my girl. 这才是好样的
[00:15.18]Maurice, no, no. Again, in Francais, Ionger Iegs. 摩利士,别这么画,再说一遍, 我要法式长腿
[00:19.90]I wouldn`t go in your closet for a Iittle while if I were you. 我要是你的话就不会在衣橱里多呆一秒
[00:21.78]What? Why? 什么?为什么?
[00:23.50]Hey. Wake up. 喂,不许睡
[00:29.58]GAIL: Katie! 凯蒂!
[00:30.54]The cat has pooped in my closet. I need you to clean it up. 猫在我衣橱里大便了,你去把它清干净
[00:35.94]Go. 快走
[00:36.62]I told you we don`t have a cat. 我说过,我们没养猫
[00:38.22]Angie, heads up. 安吉,快走
[00:42.42]Katie! 凯蒂!
[00:50.46]What`s going on? 发生什么事了?
[00:52.06]Nothing. 啥事也没有
[00:52.46]I am, uh, re-organizing and Iabeling. I.... 我,额,在收拾东西
[00:56.70]I took up crochet. Do you want new socks? 我开始学针织了,你想要新袜子吗?
[00:57.58]I would make you a sweater, but I hear that the arms, that they`re really hard. 我本想给你织件线衣,但我听说织袖子特别难
[01:05.78]Oh, you thought you could sneak off and go to the dance. 你以为自己可以偷偷溜出去参加舞会是吧
[01:11.14]After what you pulled today with Guy. 觉得自己今天向盖伊伊展露才华了是吧
[01:11.74]Oh, no, no. 不可以的
[01:15.18]Oh, no, no, no. 绝对不可以
[01:16.86]You`re on Victor watch tonight... 你今晚要照看好维克特…
[01:17.70]...tomorrow night and every night. …明晚也是,每晚都是
[01:22.02]I`II give Victor all the mothering you don`t have time for. 我会给维克特照顾得好好的,知道你没时间
[01:23.18]Fun. 有意思吧
[01:26.22]Oh, I wish you could be my mommy. 你要是我妈该多好
[01:31.30]I`m off to my cinnamon colonic. 我要去吃肉桂熏肠了
[01:37.34]KATIE: Hey. Get down. You`re gonna break yourself. 喂,下来,你会摔着的
[01:39.14]Or worse, the furniture. 要是破坏家具,那更糟
[01:43.42]ANGELA: Hello? -Hey. - 有人吗? - 嗨
[01:44.90]-You Iook Iike you`re having fun. -AIways. - 看起来你很欢乐嘛 - 一向的
[01:49.90]Well, I couldn`t Iet you not go to the dance without me. 我要你和我一起去舞会
[01:50.86]Besides, we have six hours of shirtless Team Jacob. 而且我们有6个小时可以看赤膊的雅各布 (暮光之城里的狼人,总共3部)
[01:55.14]So Iet`s just get this party started. 我们就去舞会吧
[01:58.54]-So is Victor driving you nuts? -I swear to you, he`s not human. - 维克特是不是让你很无语? - 我发誓,他不是人
[02:00.74]I mean, can you really blame him, though? Just Iook at this family. 我是说,难道你舍得怪他吗? 看看这个家是什么样子
[02:06.78]Victor, what are you doing? 维克特,你要干嘛?
[02:18.90]Oh, no. Great. 哦,不,这下好了
[02:19.62]Eh, she actually Iooks prettier that way. 她这样看起来漂亮多了
[02:21.86]KATIE: True. Ugh. Whatever. 没错,让它去吧
[02:26.66]Why did I ever think that tonight could`ve been something special. 为什么我会觉得今晚应该很特别
[02:30.26]Think Bev`s all over Luke at the dance right now? 现在贝芙在舞会上肯定紧贴着鲁克吧?
[02:34.02]They`re probably making out. See? 他们可能已经亲上了,看这个
[02:34.90]-Victor, give it a rest. -Just check it out. Come on. - 维克特,别闹了 - 就看一眼,快
[02:42.50]Luke is gonna produce whoever wins the Showcase. 鲁克会捧红任何在汇展上表现最好的人
[02:44.74]So we need a little insurance. 我们需要吃点定心丸
[02:48.66]-I know what I`m doing, Mother. GAIL: Do you? - 妈,我知道我要嘛 - 真的吗?
[02:53.10]I can`t take it anymore, okay? 我受不了了
[02:56.22]I`m taking my Iife into my own hands. 我要靠自己过想要的生活
[02:59.18]I`m talking to Luke. 我去找鲁克
[02:59.98]-Finally. -Okay, but we have gotta be home... - 终于 - 好吧,可是我们必须在格尔回来之前…
[03:01.66]... before Gail gets here. …到家
[03:04.46]What about the demon spawn? 这个小魔头咋办?
[03:06.30]KATIE: Right. 说得是
[03:07.46]Mm-hm. 哼哼
[03:09.90]Okay, just watch him. 好吧,你看着他就行
[03:12.78]ANGELA: Hmm. 哼
[03:19.06]Is that all you`ve got, Angela?
[03:20.26](CHUCKLES) 你就这么点能耐么,安吉拉?
[03:23.74]Ravi? 拉维?
[03:25.54]RAVI (IN JERSEY ACCENT): My sister could catch that, jerknut. (泽西口音)我妹都能接到那球,蠢货
[03:27.38]Put some nuts in that sack, ref. 滚你的蛋吧,裁判
[03:33.66](IN INDIAN ACCENT) Miss Katie, I am most startled. (印度口音)凯蒂小姐,我很意外
[03:35.58]Obviously. 显然如此
[03:36.54](IN JERSEY ACCENT) AII right. AII right. Don`t hate me. 算了,好吧,你不要讨厌我
[03:41.22]Okay, don`t hate me. I`m sorry. 别讨厌我好吗,我错了
[03:42.14]But my name ain`t Ravi. It`s Tony. 我不叫拉维,我是托尼
[03:45.78]-Tony. -Tony Gupta from Jersey. - 托尼 - 泽西岛的托尼·盖伊普塔
[03:49.98]-From Jersey. -I am half Indian. - 新泽西 - 我是半个印度人
[03:53.14]My friends call me Meatball because I`m half Italian. 因为我是印度混血,我朋友就叫我肉球
[03:55.42]Truth is I always wanted to be an actor. 其实我特别想当一名演员
[03:58.34]But I never got my shot. 但是从来没上过镜
[03:59.14]I`m working at KFC, and one day, Gail comes in... 我本来在肯德基工作,一天,格尔夫人来了…
[04:02.78]...she`s Iike, ``Are you Indian?`` I`m Iike, ``What?`` …她说,"你是印度人吗?" 我说,"什么?"
[04:04.06]She`s Iike, ``Are you a guru?`` I`m Iike: 她说,"你是古鲁(印度教精神导师)吗?" 我说:
[04:07.54](IN INDIAN ACCENT) ``Who is asking?`` "这就要看谁问了?"
[04:08.58](IN NORMAL VOICE) She says, ``Someone who`s paying for some spiritual guidance.`` 她说:"我要付钱做个精神指引"
[04:10.74]And I`m Iike, ``Whaa! It`s a miracle!`` 我当时想:"这真是奇迹!"
[04:15.82]I finally get a chance to do a total immersion into a character. 我终于有机会全身心投入去演戏了
[04:19.50]Real training and I get paid. Are you kidding me? 锻炼演技,还有钱拿,天助我也啊
[04:23.26]Ravi is my King Lear. 拉维就是我要演的角色
[04:25.18](IN ENGLISH ACCENT) You wanna hear the monologue from My Fair Lady? 你想听《窈窕淑女》里的经典独白吗?
[04:27.42]-Oy, mate. -No, thanks. - 噢,老兄 - 不用,谢了
[04:31.02]I`m sorry I barged in. Whoops. 对不起,我没打招呼就闯进来了
[04:33.50](KATIE CHUCKLES)
[04:35.02]Your secret`s safe with me, okay? But I need to ask you a favor. 我会替你保密的,但我也需要你帮忙
[04:40.38]-Meatball. -Ha, Meatball. - 肉球 - 哈,肉球
[04:43.34]PIease watch Victor tonight so I can go to the dance? 今晚请帮我看好维克特,这样我就能去参加舞会了
[04:44.86]Are you kidding me? Done. 这么点小事?没问题
[04:46.42]BIow it up.
[04:46.82](SIGHS) 一言为定
[04:50.50]Thank you. 谢谢你
[05:03.02]ANGELA: Whoa. 哇噢
[05:03.30]KATIE: How am I supposed to find Luke if everybody`s got a mask? 每个人都戴着面具,我怎么找鲁克啊?
[05:04.60]ANGELA: I never said this was gonna be easy. Let`s do some recon. 我没说过这会很简单,我们先找找看
[05:09.42](CLEARS THROAT) 我是首席助理桃乐西·皮伯格
[05:11.26]I am Assistant Principal Dorothy PIumberg.
[05:12.26]No drinking. No texting. No kissing. 不能喝酒,不能发短信,不能接吻
[05:18.02]Luke? No. Luke Morgan? 鲁克?不是,鲁克·摩根?
[05:21.54]No Ieaving the premises and no experiencing joy of any kind. 不能离开屋子,不能找乐子
[05:26.90]Luke? Ugh. 鲁克?
[05:31.94](KATIE SIGHS) 他在哪儿呢?
[05:33.74]Where is he?
[05:36.82]That reminds me. I got a new act for you to Iisten to. 我想起来了,要你看场新表演
[05:39.70]-Now? -No time Iike it. - 现在? - 择日不如撞日
[05:41.02]-Dude, not again-- -We`re called Big Pain Ticket. - 大哥,别这样 - 我们是大痛票乐队
[05:46.78]I wanna kiss your apocalypse 天崩地裂也要吻你
[05:49.74]Wrap you in my Armageddon 海枯石烂也要拥抱你
[05:54.74]Sing you a twisted serenade 为你唱首拧巴的小夜曲
[05:58.38]They`re good, but I`m worried that chain saw`s unsafe. 他们唱得不错,可是我担心那电锯不安全
[06:00.98]Dude, the chain saw`s, Iike, the best part. 大哥,我觉得那电锯才是亮点
[06:07.94]I think I found him. 我想我找到他了
[06:09.90]ANGELA: Well, he is blond. 金发男啊
[06:16.38]Oh, my God, what is she doing here? 噢,老天,她来这干嘛?
[06:21.18]I hate teenage desperation. 我讨厌这些年轻人疯来疯去的
[06:22.06]What are you doing here? 你来这干嘛?
[06:25.34]Oh, honey, the prize pig doesn`t win the blue ribbon... 亲爱的,赛猪想要赢得比赛…
[06:28.14]A, what does that even mean and, B, did you just call me a pig? 这话什么意思,还有,你刚才把我比成猪了?
[06:28.34]...by covering up its third best asset. …可不能盖住它的第三大宝贵资产噢
[06:31.58]Honey, I saw you making sweet Iove... 亲爱的,我看到你在…
[06:33.58]...to a plate of Swedish meatballs at the snack table. …餐桌上狂吃那盘瑞典肉丸
[06:38.18]It`s now or never, babe. 机不可失,失不再来哦,亲
[06:43.86]-What if she recognizes me? -I`II distract her. Go. - 万一她发现我了怎么办? - 我去分散她的注意力,快走
[06:46.30]-So was I right or was I right? -You were right. - 是我对了还是是我对了? - 你是对的
[06:49.78]You have very cool taste. Any more auditions in the men`s... 你品位不错,但要是敢再在男厕开试唱会…
[06:52.90]...and you`re fired. …你就被开除了
[06:57.82]-I know your secret. -Which secret is that? - 我知道你的秘密 - 什么秘密?
[07:04.34]I heard you sing at school. 我听到你在学校唱的歌了
[07:04.50]Do I know you? 我认识你吗?
[07:05.30]You were amazing. 你唱得很棒
[07:11.14]-I wanna show you something. -What`s your name? - 我想让你看点东西 - 你叫什么名字?
[07:15.86]Angela, what are you doing? 安吉拉,你在干嘛?
[07:17.70]I`d Iike to make a request. 我有个请求
[07:24.70]I will make your night. I promise. 今晚不会让你失望的,我保证
[07:27.74]ANGELA: Miss Van R. 凡·莱文斯威夫人
[07:29.74]Is it true you wanted to be a dancer when you were younger... 听说您年轻的时候想当一名舞者,是真的吗?
[07:33.50](SCOFFS) 谁跟你说的?
[07:34.02]...but were never good enough? 但是听说您的舞跳得不怎么样?
[07:35.30]Who told you that?
[07:55.82]GAIL: Well, now, how Iovely. 挺有爱的
[07:56.26]But I`ve seen better dancing in a Filipino prison, sugar. 不过我在菲律宾监狱里见过更好的,甜心
[08:00.74]CROWD: Oh! 真滴?我这可是舞池宣战噢
[08:02.94]Really? Because I think I just challenged you to a dance battle.
[08:10.22]Would Luke Morgan please pick up the white courtesy phone? 鲁克·摩根先生能不能接下白色的免费电话?
[08:14.30]Luke Morgan, white courtesy phone. 鲁克·摩根先生,白色的免费电话
[08:21.02]LUKE: Hold on. What is that? KATIE: You`ve never seen a guitar before? - 等等,那是什么? - 你没见过吉他么?
[08:24.30]You hid a guitar in there. You hiding anything else? 你竟然在这里藏了把吉他,还藏了什么好东西?
[08:26.78]Follow me. 跟我来
[08:33.98]LUKE: Oh, wow.
[08:39.22]Madam, while your exquisite eyes tell of a radiant, but mischievous beauty... 女士,你动人的眼睛里流光溢彩, 但是这种美又略带调皮…
[08:43.98]...I have grown impatient. …我已经迫不及待了
[08:46.22]Off with your veil, so that I may know the truth. 摘下你的面巾吧,我要知道真相
[08:52.06]Or not. 不让是吧
[08:53.94]I`m hoping this answers a Iot of your questions. 我希望这个回答能解开你所有的疑窦
[09:03.90](SINGING) I can see it from the spark in your eyes 我可以看到,你眼里的闪光
[09:08.38]You believe in all the things You`ve denied 你否认过的事,其实你深信不疑
[09:14.02]You wanna fly And leave your worries behind 你想要飞翔,就抛下所有烦恼
[09:16.82]Don`t you? Don`t you? 不是吗?不是吗?
[09:22.70]Well, now I`m knocking At your front door 现在我在轻叩你的心门
[09:28.14]And I`m looking for the right cure 我在寻找正确的答案
[09:33.62]I`m still a little bit unsure 我还是有点不确定
[09:38.30]Okay, now take off that veil. 好了,现在摘下面巾
[09:39.54]Uh-uh. 还不行
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