美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2012-11-17
时间:2013-05-29 09:18:03
1. President Barack Obama says he is committed to requiring the wealthy to pay more in taxes. He is expected to talk about the lame-duck congressional session during a White House news conference on Wednesday.
2. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says the US scandal involving current and former top Generals has been discussed with allies. None of them expressed concerns about the mission in Afghanistan.
Defense1 Secretary Leon Panetta cautioned against pre-mature conclusions about General John Allen. The top US commander in Afghanistan has been investigated for inappropriate correspondence with a Florida women linked to the David Petraeus scandal.
4. Since 1955, Dr. Russell Dohner's fee for an office visit has more than doubled, but it's still low. The Illinois doctor charges his patients only five dollars. He doesn't even accept medical insurance, saying it's not worth the bother.