万花筒 2013-01-05&0107 眉毛整形成新潮流
时间:2013-09-22 06:42:12
The angle, the arch, the attitude. If your eyes are the window to your soul, then your eyebrows2 are the frame. People still love Brooke Shields’ gorgeous eyebrows and Kim Kardashian’s brows have almost developed a cult3 following. If you don’t like yours, it can be downright depressing.
“It’s a little embarrassing and it affects my self-esteem.”For ten years, Pamela Penrose watched as bald spots appeared in her eyebrows.
“Brooke Shields has a sophisticated look and that’s what I’m looking for.”Pamela turned to Doctor Sanusi Umar for an
eyebrow1 transplant. The procedure existed before, but doctors used to use head hairs.
“I can spot it from a distance, mile away.”
So doctor Umar pioneered a way to harvest hair from a woman’s arms, legs or nape of the neck instead.“Much more resembles the natural eyebrow.”
painstaking4 work,done one hair at a time. The transplant takes two and a half hours in all. After three weeks, we go back to see Pamela.
Ok, ladies, let’s hit it! Ok, there she is!
-So tell me what you are seeing happening there.
-A lot larger and thicker, exactly what I wanted.
Shannon Morrison once had thin,
sparse5 eyebrows, too. After her transplant, you can see the outline of her soon-to-be thicker brows. Sarah Tirosh had her transplant five months ago. She was so
frustrated6 with her eyebrows before that she resorted to painful
tattooing7 to get a dramatic brow.
“Now my face looks very even and normal. I am absolutely happy, a hundred percent.”
Here’s Sara before the procedure. Even with the
tattoos8, you can see how few hair she had. This is Sara today. The awkward initial hairs that were transplanted have shed and new hairs have grown
in naturally.
-When you look in the mirror, do you get a little surprised every time?
-I feel like I’m totally a different person. I feel so much more confident.
-Oh, because of eyebrows.
For Good Morning America, Elizabeth Leamy, ABC News, Redondo Beach, California.
-We should also remember it’s not just
cosmetic9. There are a number of medical issues as we’ve
pointed10 out, this could really be helpful. But this is expensive game.
-How much?
-6, 000 to 8,000 dollars depending on how much hair. So it’s not like where every body’s gonna run out.
-It’s a major investment.
-Yeah, it’s a major investment.