
美国有线新闻 CNN 2012-10-03

时间:2013-10-16 05:58:41



 We begin tonight with breaking news thatyou will only see right here on 360. And frankly1 some of the details are prettyastonishing. On a day that Secretary of State Clinton says she抯 still waitingfor answers while the FBI investigates the killing2 of four Americans inBenghazi, Libya, our sources review that not one single FBI investigator3 hasset foot at the crime scene. Fifteen days after the terrorist attack, not one.Those same sources are also saying that the crime scene still has not beensecured. And those are just two headlines, just two new pieces of informationtonight, but that is not all we are learning. CNN International SecurityContributor Frank Tasilin once again has the scoop4 on all that She抯 gonna, shejoins us now. As we often mention Frank is the former White House homelandsecurity adviser5, she is currently a member of the CIA抯 External AdviserCommittee and was recently in Libya with her employer McCamdu & Forbs, alsowith the Senior Contributor and former CIA officer Bob Bear, are also Ela Lake,the Senior National Security Correspondent for Newsweek, and for the DailyBeat. So you抳e got new reporting now on the status of the FBI investigation6,what can you tell us?

Anderson, it抯 pretty extraordinary andastonishing to me who抯 worked with Investigations7 International and with theFBI over more than a decade. So you understand that when this happens and theFBI opens an investigation, one of the first things they do is go to the StateDepartment and say, please request permission for us to enter this country,Libya, get to the crime scene, Benghazi, please request that we will have thesecurity and ability to do that, that we will access to the crime scene, thatwe will have access to the any individuals that Libya抯 take into custody8. Nonethat is, while the FBI has made that request in the State Department, what wefound out today from Senior Law Enforcement officials is that while the FBI hasfinally made it to Tripoli, they抳e never made it to Benghazi.
They haven9抰 been on the ground ofBenghazi?
They have not. In fact, it was taking solong to get permission to get into Tripoli. The FBI deploys10 their personnel tolocation in the region so they抣l be closer. They have conducted interviews ofthe State Department and US government personnel who were in Libya at the timeof the attack, but they抳e not been able to get, they抳e gotten as for asTripoli now, but they抳e never gotten to Benghazi. They抳e made a request thatthe crime scene be secured. As we know from our regainmen reporting and otherpublic reporting, whether the State Department, we don抰 know whether or notthe State Department put that request to the Libyans, and whether it wasdenied, or what happened to it, what we know for sure is the crime scene wasnever secured, in fact, the Senior Law Enforcement official I spoke11 to said ifwe get there now, it抯 not clear that it will be of any use to us. And then thethird and really critical and astonishing point to me was, that they made was,look, one of the things we have to do is question the individuals that theLibyan has in custody to get to the bottom of this to understand what they arelearning, and in fact they made that request through the State Department thatwas denied by Libya and so the FBI has to pass any questions they havem throughthe State Department to the Libyan government, they put the questions, then youwait for, sort of like child抯 game of telephone that information to come backbefore you can follow up, not at all the idea we have run an investigation.
And this is really amazing information thatyou are hearing from, from your sources. Now I want to play something for ourviewers from last Thursday, Secretary Clinton said this about theinvestigation, let抯 watch:
And we are at the very early stages of anFBI investigation. The team from the FBI reached Libya earlier this week.
So she said they reached Libya earlier thisweek, not to mention obviously being on the ground of Benghazi. You are sayingthey haven抰 been on the ground of Benghazi based on your sources. Is shesplinting hairs here?
Look, in fairness to the Secretary, it maybe that she wanted to be coy about where in Libya they were for securityconcerns. That would be understandable. But the fact is, it抯 not clear thatthey抳e been even inside Libya for very long. They had difficulty and therewas, we understand, some bureaucratic12 infighting between the FBI and JusticeDepartment on the one hand, and the State Department on the other. So it tookthem longer than it would like to get into the country. They抳e now gottenthere, but they still are unable to get permission to go to Benghazi.



1 frankly fsXzcf     
  • To speak frankly, I don't like the idea at all.老实说,我一点也不赞成这个主意。
  • Frankly speaking, I'm not opposed to reform.坦率地说,我不反对改革。
2 killing kpBziQ     
  • Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off.投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。
  • Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street.上个周我兄弟在华尔街赚了一大笔。
3 investigator zRQzo     
  • He was a special investigator for the FBI.他是联邦调查局的特别调查员。
  • The investigator was able to deduce the crime and find the criminal.调查者能够推出犯罪过程并锁定罪犯。
4 scoop QD1zn     
  • In the morning he must get his boy to scoop it out.早上一定得叫佣人把它剜出来。
  • Uh,one scoop of coffee and one scoop of chocolate for me.我要一勺咖啡的和一勺巧克力的。
5 adviser HznziU     
  • They employed me as an adviser.他们聘请我当顾问。
  • Our department has engaged a foreign teacher as phonetic adviser.我们系已经聘请了一位外籍老师作为语音顾问。
6 investigation MRKzq     
  • In an investigation,a new fact became known, which told against him.在调查中新发现了一件对他不利的事实。
  • He drew the conclusion by building on his own investigation.他根据自己的调查研究作出结论。
7 investigations 02de25420938593f7db7bd4052010b32     
(正式的)调查( investigation的名词复数 ); 侦查; 科学研究; 学术研究
  • His investigations were intensive and thorough but revealed nothing. 他进行了深入彻底的调查,但没有发现什么。
  • He often sent them out to make investigations. 他常常派他们出去作调查。
8 custody Qntzd     
  • He spent a week in custody on remand awaiting sentence.等候判决期间他被还押候审一个星期。
  • He was taken into custody immediately after the robbery.抢劫案发生后,他立即被押了起来。
9 haven 8dhzp     
  • It's a real haven at the end of a busy working day.忙碌了一整天后,这真是一个安乐窝。
  • The school library is a little haven of peace and quiet.学校的图书馆是一个和平且安静的小避风港。
10 deploys 4a24367d9ec3df17b5959c1916220a86     
(尤指军事行动)使展开( deploy的第三人称单数 ); 施展; 部署; 有效地利用
  • It then deploys "decoy" programs designed to attract the virus. 然后,它释放“诱饵”去吸引病毒。
  • But when that doesn't work, he deploys his secret defense mechanism. 但没有效果,它要施展绝密自卫武器了。
11 spoke XryyC     
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
12 bureaucratic OSFyE     
  • The sweat of labour washed away his bureaucratic airs.劳动的汗水冲掉了他身上的官气。
  • In this company you have to go through complex bureaucratic procedures just to get a new pencil.在这个公司里即使是领一支新铅笔,也必须通过繁琐的手续。

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