美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-08-26
时间:2014-09-10 09:00:23
1. Two American aid workers who were infected with the Ebola virus have been discharged from an Atlanta hospital. Officials say that after 3 weeks of treatment, the patients, Doctor Kent Bradley and Nancy WriteBol pose no public health risk.
2. The Justice Department has announced a nearly 17 billion dollars settlement with Bank of America over its role in the sale of mortgage based securities in the run up to the financial crisis in 2008. The settlement is by far the largest deal the DOJ has reached for the bank, calling for Bank of America to provide billions to struggling homeowners.
3. US officials say the Islamic State
militants1 who beheaded an American journalist, James Foley had demanded more than 130 million dollars
ransom2 for his release. A second official says the demands were sent in emails to Foley’s family after first trying to get the money from his Foley’s employer, Global Post late last year.
4. And you may put down that cup of noodles. A recent study by Baylor Heart and
Vascular3 hospital found excessive consumption of Ramen is linked to increased risk of
diabetes4, heart disease and stroke. The new findings may leave a sour taste in noodle fans’ mouth around the globe.