美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-10-23
时间:2014-11-12 08:45:10
1. Officials say 43 of 48 people on an original Ebola watch list in Texas have passed the 21-day maximum incubation period for the virus, and are now in the clear.
2. In a significant shift, Turkey’s Foreign Minister announced Monday that they will help Iraqi Kurdish fighters cross into the Syria. He said the fighters will give supports to fellow Kurds defending the border town of Kobani from Islamic State
3. Police, investigating the slayings of 7 women whose bodies were found over the weekend in Indiana, say the suspect Darren Vann has told them that he may have killed people going back 20 years.
4. Peruvians are in for a sweet deal in Lima at the Choco Museum. Visitors can learn about the history of cacao in the Andean region, and see themselves how the chocolate is made.