美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-5-10
时间:2015-06-02 07:30:38
New rules are now in effect in California to try to conserve1 water use. However, state officials are concerned that citizens still may not understand how severe the crisis is.
A judge in Afghanistan convicted 4 men of beating a woman to death. The men now face the death penalty. A mob of men killed the woman in March after mistakenly believing she had burned a Koran.
A 26-year-old man in northern Idaho is accused of fatally shooting a police officer and stealing his patrol car. The suspect was caught after a high-speed chase.
And automaker Daimler introduces the first
autonomous2 truck. The big rig needs a driver but the driver can relinqush control, take his hands off the wheel.
Sandy Kozel, The Associated Press with AP News Minute.