民调显示 特朗普总统得不到大多数美国人的支持
时间:2017-03-09 00:09:39
An NBC News/SurveyMonkey poll shows a majority, 54 percent, generally disapprove1 of the new American president, while 25 percent strongly approve of the job he's done and 18 percent somewhat approve of POTUS' moves.
据NBC News和SurveyMonkey联合开展的一项民调显示,54%的人普遍不支持这位美国新总统,25%的人表示强烈支持,18%的人表示有点支持。
How Americans perceive
Trump2 depends on their race,
gender3 and party ID, the survey also shows.
Trump, not surprisingly, performs best among white men. It's the only group where a majority support him.
After white men, white women and Latino men were the most supportive of Trump.
民调显示 特朗普总统得不到大多数美国人的支持
Forty-four percent of white women said they approved of the job Trump has done thus far and 42 percent of Latino men said the same thing.
Trump performs worst among black women, with 81 percent saying they disapprove of the job the president is doing and just 14 percent saying they approve.
Hispanic women are also not keen on the new president, with 75 percent
disapproving4 of his job performance and 21 percent approving of it.
While race and gender play a role in how American perceive Trump, the biggest
indicator5 seems to be party
ideology6, as Trump scores high among Republicans and poorly when
Democrats7 are surveyed.
Eighty-eight percent of Republicans said they approved of the job President Trump has done, while 10 percent of GOP voters said they
On the
flip9 side, 8 percent of Democrats approved of Trump, while 91 percent disapproved.