时间:2017-03-14 00:25:00
The Chinese government has long resented accusations1 that, as US President Donald Trump2 put it in a tweet in early January, it “won’t help with North Korea”.
美国总统唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump) 1月初在Twitter上发贴称,中国“在朝鲜问题上不愿帮忙”。中国政府对这样的指控一向很不满。
On Wednesday China’s foreign minister used a colourful
metaphor3 to describe his government’s position on the crisis-prone Korean peninsula, likening Pyongyang, Seoul and Washington to “runaway trains” that Beijing was doing its best to stop.
The press conference by Wang Yi also marked the first time that a senior Chinese government official has commented
substantively4 on the Korean crisis since last month’s
assassination5 in Kuala Lumpur of Kim Jong Nam, the half-brother of North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un, and a series of missile tests by the reclusive nation.
王毅举行的这次记者会,也是自金正男(Kim Jong Nam)遇刺和朝鲜这个封闭国家进行一连串导弹试射以来,中国政府高级别官员首次就朝鲜半岛危机作出实质性评论。金正男是朝鲜统治者金正恩(Kim Jong Un)的同父异母兄长,上月在吉隆坡遇刺。
Speaking at a briefing at the annual session of China’s parliament, Mr Wang criticised North Korea for pursuing its nuclear programme “in
violation6 of UN Security Council resolutions”, but also
censured7 Seoul and Washington for “conducting military exercises of enormous scale and
ramping8 up military pressure on [North Korea]”.
在中国全国人大年会记者会上发表讲话时,王毅批评朝鲜推进核计划“违反联合国安理会(UN Security Council)决议”,但他同时也谴责美韩“进行超大规模的军事演习,持续加大对朝鲜的军事压力”。
“The two sides are like two accelerating trains coming towards each other with neither side willing to give way,” Mr Wang said. “The question is are the two sides really ready for a head-on collision? Our priority is to flash the red light and apply brakes on both trains.”
While Mr Trump believes that China lacks the will to
rein9 in North Korea, Chinese officials argue that they do not have the power to do so because the problem is not theirs to solve.
“North Korea is a
rusty10 lock but China does not have the key,” says one Chinese official. “North Korea wants security but the threat doesn’t come from China.”
Mr Wang acknowledged that as “a next-door neighbour with a lips-and-teeth relationship with the Korean peninsula, of course China is indispensable to the resolution of the nuclear issue”.
But he also insisted that “the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula is mainly between [North Korea] and other states”, namely South Korea and the US. Instead of refusing to negotiate with Pyongyang until Kim Jong Un abandons his nuclear programme, Beijing advocates a “dual-track” approach.
“To defuse the
looming11 crisis on the peninsula, China proposes as a first step [that North Korea] suspends its nuclear and missile activities in exchange for a halt of the large-scale US-[South Korean military] exercises,” Mr Wang said. “This suspension-for-suspension can help us break out of the security
dilemma12 and bring the parties back to the negotiating table. Then we can follow the dual-track approach of denuclearising the peninsula on the one hand and establishing a peace
mechanism13 on the other.
“Nuclear weapons will not bring security and the use of force is no solution,” he added. “Talks deserve another chance. Peace is still within our grasp.”