上海试点职工托幼服务 化解二胎妈妈'后顾之忧'
时间:2017-03-17 00:22:59
Shanghai has launched pilot childcare services in a number of workplaces to encourage more families to have a second child, local authorities said last Tuesday.
About 80 percent of women of child-bearing age in Shanghai do not want a second child, according to a 2016 survey
jointly1 conducted by the Shanghai
Federation2 of Trade Unions and Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.
In the survey, all interviewed women had permanent Shanghai residence permits, and the major reason for their not wanting a second child was that there was "no one to help them take care of the child."
上海试点职工托幼服务 化解二胎妈妈'后顾之忧'
Shanghai has 3.3 million working women, with many calling for government help with child care.
The Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions established 12 childcare pilot centers in workplaces before the International Women's Day, March 8, to help working women take care of their children.
These centers are set up in enterprises, industry parks, public institutions and government departments that have strong demand for such services.
Shanghai will expand childcare services gradually. By the end of 2017, the city is expected to have 50 such childcare centers, according to the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions.
Also, the federation has set up 1,765 "mom's huts" since 2013 to provide services for pregnant, postnatal and breastfeeding women.