德扑人机战 中国龙之队不敌人工智能冷扑大师
时间:2017-04-20 00:22:29
The AI system, called Lengpudashi, won a landslide1 victory and $290,000 in the five-day competition.
It is the second time this year that an AI program has beaten competitive
poker2 players.
An earlier version of the program, known as Libratus, beat four of the world's best poker
pros3 during a 20-day game in January.
The AI systems were the work of Tuomas Sandholm, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University in the US, and PhD student Noam Brown.
The prize money will go to Strategic Machine, a firm founded by the duo.
德扑人机战 中国龙之队不敌人工智能冷扑大师
The human team up against Lengpudashi was led by Yue Du, an amateur poker player who won the World Series of Poker $5,000 buy-in, no-limit, Texas Hold'em category last year.
Mr Du's "Team Dragon" consisted of engineers, computer scientists and
investors4 who attempted to use game theory and their knowledge of machine intelligence to anticipate and counter Lengpudashi's play.
Unlike chess and Go, in which all the playable pieces are visible on the board, poker is what computer scientists call an "imperfect information game".
Like the poker pro-beating Libratus AI program before it, Lengpudashi was run on a supercomputer at Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center.
和之前打败专业选手的libratus AI程序一样,“冷扑大师”也是在匹兹堡超级计算中心的一台超级计算机上运行的。