买美国货 雇美国人的弊端
时间:2017-04-25 00:28:09
Apart from free trade, there can be few issues on which public opinion and the views of economists1 differ more than on forcing companies and the public sector2 to buy locally and hire locally.
The last time the US government
embarked3 on a big
fiscal4 stimulus5 with an investment
component6, Barack Obama’s 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the decision to include so-called Buy American provisions to direct contracts to US companies was a hard-fought battle. Similarly, US work permits and particularly the H-1B visa for skilled workers have proved to be highly controversial among US workers in the tech sector, where their use is concentrated, and in Congress.
上次美国政府实施包含投资的大规模财政刺激方案是在2009年,巴拉克?奥巴马(Barack Obama)出台了《美国复苏与再投资法案》(American Recovery and Reinvestment Act),当时要纳入所谓“买美国货”(Buy American)的条款、以使合同落入美国企业之手就经过了一场硬仗。同样,美国工作许可制度、特别是面向高技能人才发放的H-1B签证,不管在美国科技行业从业者中间(拿这类签证的人大多从事科技行业)还是在美国国会中都极具争议。
Predictably, given its appeal to economic nationalists, Donald
Trump7 has
waded8 into this issue by launching a review of buying and hiring American, accompanied by
fiery9 rhetoric10 about keeping jobs at home. In theory, an
overhaul11 of both policies, particularly the short-term H-1B work visa, could yield some efficiency-enhancing improvements. In practice, given Mr Trump’s record to date, the outcome is likely to be more restrictive laws or little substantial change at all.
可想而知,考虑到这个问题对经济民族主义者的吸引力,唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)不会放着不管,他指示对有关买美国货、雇美国人的政策展开评估,同时发表了让就业留在境内的激烈言论。在理论上,对两项政策、特别是短期H-1B工作签证进行审查,可能会取得一些卓有成效的改进。而实际上,考虑到特朗普的过往记录,评估结果既可能是出台更具限制性的法规,也可能不会有什么实质性改变。
Of the two issues, Buy American is the more clear-cut. Such
procurement12 rules have been part of federal law since 1933, but can be
applied13 in more or less restrictive ways. They are
constrained14 by the US’s membership of the government procurement agreement in the World Trade Organization, which has 19 signatories including the EU, Japan and South Korea, though not China. Separately, Canada and Mexico have access via the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Attempts to restrict procurement to domestic companies tend to backfire. They induce
retaliation15 from trading partners, harming US businesses trying to sell abroad. They raise
input16 costs, ensuring less
infrastructure17 is built and fewer construction workers are hired for each dollar of public spending. And they increase paperwork and delays as companies struggle to cope with
onerous18 reporting requirements.
The H-1B issue is more complex. The visa programme was designed to bring in high-skilled workers, particularly in the tech sector, who would be complementary to US workers. They would also help with start-ups and other fast-growing companies that would in turn increase local hiring. Often it has meant consultancy companies substituting lower-skilled employees with temporary workers and then offshoring production.
The high demand for H-1Bs, with the annual 65,000
quota19 often rapidly filled, has led to their distribution by
lottery20 rather than on merit. Reform to address that issue would be politically
astute21 — and, assuming that some kind of quota is required at all — more likely to increase US productivity.
Handing out the visas on the basis of offered salary would be a simple market-based solution, but it would mean more workers going to established tech companies and fewer going to start-ups. More complex but potentially more productive would be to give visas to companies that allowed workers to apply for permanent residency, showing they were interested in more than churning short-term employees.
What emerges from Mr Trump’s review
remains22 to be seen. The unpredictability of his administration could throw up something
disastrous23, something productive or something ineffectual. But the principle should remain to keep the US economy as open as possible to the inflow of good products and good workers from abroad. Slamming down the drawbridge is only likely to
impoverish24 the residents of the