2006年NPR美国国家公共电台六月-'Summering' in My Own Bathtub
时间:2007-07-20 06:29:54
With few days remaining this summer, I realize that I have worked through the entire season and haven't had time to do my traditional summer ritual, something I started 20 years ago.
That's Day to Day contributing writer Annabelle Gurwitch.
The summer of my
freshman1 year in college, I headed off to London for a semester abroad. Before my classes started I visited some family friends in their
manor2 house in a tiny
pastoral village in Dorset, home of the novelist Thomas
Hardy4. My days were spent
tramping over
rolling hills, baking shortbread, and at the end of each day I would take up a position in one of the many upstairs baths, a
freestanding, old-fashioned,
claw-and-ball tub with steaming hot water, ice tea, a few candles and a book. It seemed only appropriate to read a lot of Hardy that summer.
I had
no way of knowing that, in fact, this would be my last
carefree summer, that my family had suffered financial setbacks, I would need to
drop out of college, I would actually be working as a
mime5, dressed as a hamburger, handing out
flyers for Arby's on a street corner in downtown Manhattan, when I finally finished reading Tess of the d'Urbervilles.
For much of my ten years in New York, as I was struggling to forge a career as an actress, I lived in an apartment which was so
miniature that you could
literally6 lie in bed, answer the door and fry an egg all at the same time. I also had a musically-inclined woodworking neighbor who for a period of four months mistakenly believed himself to be in love with me and I with him. He would play "If I Were a Carpenter and You Were a Lady" every time I returned to the building. The floor of my apartment was also
slanted7. It was a
sublet8 of a sublet of a sublet rented from my
yoga teacher who was
indicted9 years later in a pyramid money scheme. And on top of all of that I had been told that Serpico once lived in the building, which might explain why shady characters were often
lurking in the
vestibule. It's safe to say I wasn't receiving invitations to Capri and the closest I got to the Hamptons was a train ride to Coney Island. But my apartment did have a great Art deco, purple-tiled bathtub and a window which looked out onto vine-covered chimney tops, so after a long day of pounding the pavements, dropping off pictures and resumes to agents and performing in various off-off-nowhere-near-Broadway, depressing of
avant-garde productions which received even more depressing reviews, one of which consisted of the single word :WHY?
I would return home and observe my summer ritual. A few candles later, a tall ice tea and a soak in the tub could transform any ordinary city night into the Dorset countryside. Now that I live in LA, I do over more summery-type things. My husband and I play baseball and swim at our neighbors' next door with our son, of course, that's what we do all year long. But as an actor and writer, I still don't find myself in a
villa3 in Tuscany in August. Why? Because now I have just enough of an established career to be lucky enough to work a year round, so I haven't had my summer yet, until tonight, when I plan to
brew11 some ice tea, light some candles, take a hot bath and read a good book. Ah..
Radio stories, that one from actress and Day to Day contributing writer Annabelle Gurwitch.
manor house:a big old house with a large area of land around it ;领主之宅邸
pastoral:typical of the simple peaceful life in the count;牧人的, 田园生活的, 牧师的
tramping:to walk somewhere slowly and with heavy steps;不定期运输
rolling:rolling hills have many long gentle slopes; 旋转的, 转动的, 摇摆的, 起伏的
freestanding:not fixed to a frame, wall, or other support ;独立式的, 不需依靠支撑物的
no way:used to emphasize that you will not agree or be able to do something;不,决不
carefree:having no worries or problems; 无忧无虑的, 轻松愉快的, 不负责的
drop out of:to leave a school or university before your course has finished;不参与,退出,退学
flyer:a small sheet of paper advertising something;(广告)传单
sublet:to rent to someone else a property that you rent from its owner;转租,转租的房屋
yoga:a system of exercises that help you control your mind and body in order to relax;瑜咖
lurk:if something such as danger, a feeling etc lurks somewhere, it exists, but you may not see it or know about it ;潜藏, 潜伏, 埋伏
vestibule:space inside the front door of a public building; 门廊, 前厅
avant-garde:avant-garde music, literature etc is extremely modern and often seems strange or slightly shocking;先锋派, 前卫