Business Channel 2007-0621&23
时间:2007-08-02 07:10:48
joint1 play to start the Paris Air Show, with the biggest them all , the airbus A380 the symbols in France.
The A380 has had a host technical problems , but Airbus says the production delays that followed are behind now.
We’ve learned a lot of lessons and you could be sure that we’ll take care of that.
Airways3 is
biding4 16 billion dollars on that promise, it’s committed by 80 of Airbus the next generation of the smaller planes –A350. QATAR is now single largest customer for a plane which has had its own problems, it’s been redesigned several times , pushing back delivers for at least another 6 years .Boeing offers the 787 dream
liner5 would be available next month. QATAR says the delaying means A380 would be even more advanced , will gather Airbus time to deliver on what it’s promised.
It’s the potential on line and that really can’t screw up this project.
That was go-bye US Airways , it’s looking closely buying A350 competitor Bone 787, but in the end US
Airway2 chose the slight bigger A350 even though they wouldn’t get any planes until 2014.
In the end the deal reflects the ability for US Airways concern profits for their crafts
Though many the orders announced this week, replace or repackage previous orders
This is an important air show for Airbus , it had a couple of years just the bad luck price wise , internal operations and also A380 A350 they need come-out strong out this air show, and so they get these repackage, some order that being expected to make sure they have a good press day.
On Monday , Airbus says it’s announced 339 orders probably more than 45 billion dollars and that’s just the first step.
Airbus says certainly still on the show , it comes to the share that order that announced on first day , but to be fair Boeing has kept a low profile , it doesn’t have a lot to improve that moment and Airbus certainly has a long way to go to catch up.
Tim boulden CNN Paris air show