
李阳疯狂英语之国际肌肉三最短文 Chapter5:Informal Calls

时间:2007-09-04 08:08:30



Some friends are just like family,there is no need to make a formal arrangment for a visit,except the very close friends and relatives.Making unexpected calls should be avoided as much as possible.The unexpected guest is welcomed,but whether the welcome is sincere or given out of a kindness is another matter.Pratically everyone has his own plans as to how to spend his time,and it is often perplexing1 if not an annoying to be abliged to change one's plans by unexpected visiters.when someone invites you to drop by anytime, they really mean to call first to make sure the time is convenient.



1 perplexing el9ztL     
  • This might seem very perplexing to those who know nothing about it. 这对那些对它一无所知的人来说可能显得很难理解。
  • The warmth and friendliness he felt toward him now were perplexing. 他不明白这会儿对他这样亲切这样友好。

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