美国语文第六册 第2期:纽卡斯尔公爵趣事(2)
时间:2018-06-05 07:47:29
The Cornish voter, who was an honest fellow, and would not have thought himself entitled to any reward, 康沃尔这位选举人是一位诚实的人,断不敢认为自己配得上此等殊荣,
but for such a
torrent1 of acknowledgments, thanked the Duke for his kindness, and told him the
supervisor2 of
excise3 was old and infirm, 闻听公爵如滚滚洪流一般的答谢谦辞后,马上对公爵的仁慈善意表示感谢,并告诉他总督年高体弱,
and, if he would have the goodness to recommend his son-in-law to the
commissioners4, in case of the old man's death, 万一这位老者撒手而去,倘若公爵能推荐他的女婿出任专员的话,
he should think himself and his family bound to render his grace every assistance in their power, on any future occasion. 他本人和全家将来必定效犬马之劳。
"My dear friend, why do you ask for such a
trifling5 employment?" exclaimed his grace; “我亲爱的朋友,你为什么要自寻烦恼谋这个微不足道的差事呢?”公爵说,
"your relative shall have it the moment the place is vacant, if you will but call my attention to it." “如果你仅仅让我留意的话,你的亲戚很快就会有隙可乘。”
"But how shall I get admitted to you, my lord? “可是,我怎样才能获得您的认可呢,大人?
For in London, I understand, it is a very difficult business to get a sight of you great folks, 至于在伦敦,我明白要想在您众多的追随者中幸蒙您垂青比登天还难,
though you are so kind and
complaisant6 to us in the country." 尽管您在这个国家一向以仁慈和善、容易亲近而享有盛名。
"The instant the man dies," replied the Duke, "set out posthaste for London; “这人一死,”公爵答道,“你就火速赶往伦敦,
drive directly to my house, and, be it by night or by day, thunder at the door; 马车直接赶到我的府上,不管白天还是黑天,直接敲门就是。
I will leave word with my porter to show you upstairs directly; and the employment shall be disposed of according to your wishes." 我会给门童交代这事,门童直接带你上楼。这个差事会如愿给你留着的。”