美国语文第六册 第4期:纽卡斯尔公爵趣事(4)
时间:2018-06-05 07:49:05
His grace was sound asleep; and the porter, settled for the night in his armchair, had already commenced a sonorous1 nap, 就在这时,这位关键人物来了。公爵鼾声大作,坐在扶手椅里守夜的门童,已经开始发出响亮的鼾声,
when the vigorous arm of the Cornish voter roused him from his
slumbers2. 这时康沃尔这位选举人用有力的胳膊捅了一下门童,他这才从梦乡惊醒。
To his first question, "Is the Duke at home?" the porter replied, 对来客的第一个问题,“公爵在家吗?”门童答道,
"Yes, and in bed; but has left particular orders that, come when you will, you are to go up to him directly." “在家,在床上睡觉呢;不过留下话了,你来时,他会直接来迎接你的。”
"Bless him, for a
worthy3 and honest gentleman," cried our
applicant4 for the vacant post, smiling and nodding with
approbation5 at the prime minister's kindness, “上帝保佑这位尊敬和诚实的绅士,”我们这位选举人冲着旁边空着的座位说道,脸上挂着微笑,对首相的善意赞许点头示意。
"how punctual his grace is; I knew he would not deceive me; let me hear no more of lords and dukes not keeping their words; “公爵大人太准时了;我晓得他不会骗我的,我听说大人和公爵们都信守诺言,
I verily believe they are as honest, and mean as well as any other folks." 我真的认为他们都很诚实,不像其他人那样卑鄙。”
ascended6 the stairs as he was speaking, he was
ushered7 into the Duke's bedchamber. 他边说,便登上楼梯,被领进公爵的卧室。
"Is he dead?" exclaimed his grace, rubbing his eyes, and scarcely
awakened8 from dreaming of the King of Spain, "Is he dead?" “他死了?”公爵大人突然从梦到西班牙国王的睡梦中惊醒,揉着眼睛高声问道。
"Yes, my lord," replied the eager expectant, delighted to find the election promise, with all its circumstances, so fresh in the nobleman's memory. “是的,大人。”这位急切的觐见者答道,高兴地发现从情形看选举承诺没有落空,一直留驻在公爵的记忆里呢。
"When did he die?" “他什么时候死的啊?”
"The day before yesterday, exactly at half past one o'clock, after being confined three weeks to his bed, and taking a power of doctor's stuff; “前天,准确说是一点半,在被关起来三个星期后死在床上了,临死前服了一剂医生开的药,
and I hope your grace will be as good as your word, and let my son-in-law succeed him." 我希望大人能兑现承诺,让我女婿接替他。”