美国语文第六册 第11期:暴雨过后
时间:2018-06-05 07:54:07
As from the face of heaven the shattered clouds tumultuous rove, 上天那张乌云斑驳的脸狂风漫卷,呼号弥长
and o'er the world expands a purer
azure3. 覆盖世界的是更纯净的蔚蓝。
Through the lightened air a higher
luster4 and a clearer calm,
diffusive5, tremble; 透过轻薄的空气更高处熠熠生辉,更清澈的宁静,扩散,颤抖,
while, as if in sign of danger past, a glittering robe of joy, 仿佛危险的过去一丝迹象,光辉灿烂的欢快的长袍
Set off abundant by the yellow ray, 黄色光束变幻出色彩阑珊,
Invests the fields; and nature smiles revived. 倾洒在田野上,大自然在微笑中复苏重生。
T is beauty all, and grateful song around, 这就是美的全部,感激的歌儿在回荡,
Joined to the low of kine, and numerous
bleat6 of flocks thick-nibbling through the clovered vale: 整个三叶草覆盖的山谷,低头吃草的黄牛群,数不尽的小羊咩咩叫,
And shall the
hymn7 be
marred8 by thankless man, most favored; 圣歌被那些徒劳无功的人所玷污,绝大多数受到眷顾;
who, with voice articulate, should lead the chorus of this lower world? 那些声音洪亮的人能带领这个堕落的世界齐声合唱吗?
Shall man, so soon forgetful of the Hand that hushed the thunder, and serenes the sky, 很快忘了上帝之手的人能让雷声寂灭,让天空湛蓝,
Extinguished fed that spark the tempest waked, 熄灭那能唤起暴风雨的火花,
That sense of powers exceeding far his own, 力量的感觉遍布他身上,
Ere yet his feeble heart has lost its fears? 他那脆弱的心已经不再恐惧?