Action English 42
Movie Dictionary
Credits 字幕 Opening Credits 片头字幕 Closing Credits 片尾字幕
American Slang
You bet 当然, 真的, 的确,没错
例句 You bet we’re going to the concert. We just got a great deal on tickets.
Can you help with my homework?
You bet. I just took this course last year.
Classic Film Clips
Round and round 指说话兜圈子
Cut to the chase 说话直截了当
例句 Look, we can go round and round all the afternoon, but we have to make a decision on the investment today. 这样,我们可以整个下午都一直兜圈子,可关于投资问题,我们今天必须做出决定。
You keep going round and round on the subject. Do you want to join the team our not? 你总是在兜圈子。你到底想不想参加进来?
See your way clear of something = avoid
例句 If you don’t want to get caught in that storm. You’d better see your way clear of highway 27. 你要是不想遭遇暴风雪,最好避开27号高速路。
To be that situation in life, you really need to see your way clear of a lot of temptation. 在那种境况下,你真的要抵御很多诱惑。
He’s got a gift. 他很有天赋。 has a gift=to be talented 有天赋
例句 You should really continue with your tennis lessons. You have a gift and I think you can have the chance to get into a pro1. 你真该继续上网球课。你很有天赋。我觉得你会有机会进入职业队的。 Pro. 职业队
He really has a gift with the ladies. He always has a date on Friday night.
Movie Tunes
Angel——电影“天使之城”(City of Angels )
Key words:second chance,break
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n.赞成,赞成的意见,赞成者 | |
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