
动感英语 [36]

时间:2007-10-13 06:59:15



Action English  36
Movie Dictionary

 Biographical Movie 传记片  Biography 传记

American Slang

What a rush!真带劲,好过瘾啊!  rush: n 带来快感的强烈的刺激。
例句  I get a rush from snowboarding.
          Driving my car very fast really gives me a rush.

Classic Film Clips

 We'll call it square.我们扯平了。
例句 Shoot yourself,and we'll call it a square.(影片中对白)
        Hey,you took me out for dinner last night,and today I'll take you out.We'll call it a square.
fair and square =without cheat 公平,公正,光明正大
 例句 We won that game fair and square.
 nerd 痴,书呆子,对一项专业精通但对其它事不闻不问的人。
computer nerd 电脑痴
 例句 Bill Gates may be a computer nerd,but that's why he's so wealthy.
你可能觉得Bill Gates是个电脑痴人,可正因为如此,他才这么的有钱。    
     Don't work too hard.Come on and play.stop being such a nerd.
fold=give up 放弃,退出
例句 I think he's folded.(影片中对白)
      There are too much pressure on him.So he folded and lost the game.
      We were playing poker1 last night,and I had a very bad hand.So finally I folded it.
Movie Tunes
 Are you lonesome tonight----电影“小猪进城”
Key words: lonesome,drift,stray,sweetheart




1 poker ilozCG     
  • He was cleared out in the poker game.他打扑克牌,把钱都输光了。
  • I'm old enough to play poker and do something with it.我打扑克是老手了,可以玩些花样。