美国语文第六册 第19期:生活中通常貌似真实的计划(1)
时间:2018-11-21 05:56:32
Omar, the son of Hassan, had passed seventy-five years in honor and prosperity. 哈桑的儿子奥马尔在尊享荣誉和富有中,已经过了七十五岁。
The favor of three successive caliphs had filled his house with gold and silver; 接连三任哈里发的眷顾,使他的宅邸里堆满了金银财宝,
and whenever he appeared, the
benedictions1 of the people proclaimed his passage. 不论何时只要他一现身,人们都会夹道欢呼,向他祝福。
Terrestrial happiness is of short continuance. 世俗的幸福都是短暂的,
The brightness of the flame is wasting its fuel; the
fragrant2 flower is passing away in its own odors. 火苗的亮度需要燃料来维持,再芬芳的鲜花也有暗香凋零的时候。
vigor3 of Omar began to fail; the curls of beauty fell from his head; strength departed from his hands, and
agility4 from his feet. 奥马尔的精力开始衰弱了。一绺鬈发从他头上倏然落下。他的双手没了往昔过人的力量,双腿也不再那么敏捷了。
He gave back to the caliph the keys of trust, and the seals of
secrecy5; 于是,他向哈里发交还了信任的钥匙,还有严守秘密的印信,
and sought no other pleasure for the remainder of life than the
converse6 of the wise and the
gratitude7 of the good. 在余生不再追求其他快乐,但求明智和乐善。
The powers of his mind were yet unimpaired. 他的思维还未受损害。
chamber8 was filled by visitants, eager to catch the
dictates9 of experience, and officious to pay the tribute of
admiration10. 他家的客厅里宾客如云。这些人热衷于聆听奥马尔讲述过往的经历,过分殷勤地奉上赞美阿谀之辞。
Caleb, the son of the viceroy of Egypt, entered every day early, and
retired11 late. 埃及总督的儿子卡勒卜每天早早到场,很晚才离去。
He was beautiful and
eloquent12; Omar admired his wit, and loved his
docility13. 他仪容风雅,谈吐不俗。奥马尔欣赏他的才智,喜欢他温驯的样子。