美国语文第六册 第21期:生活中通常貌似真实的计划(3)
时间:2018-11-21 05:58:09
I shall revel1 in inexhaustible accumulations of intellectual riches; 我将陶醉于永不枯竭的智慧财富的积累。
I shall find new pleasures for every moment, and shall never more be weary of myself. 每一时刻我都会找到新的快乐,永远乐此不疲。
"'I will not, however,
deviate2 too far from the beaten track of life; but will try what can be found in female
delicacy3. 然而,我不会脱离生活常规太远的,当然会尝试在女性的微妙精致中所蕴含的真谛。
I will marry a wife as beautiful as the houries, and wise as Zobeide; 我要娶一位美若天仙、聪明似佐贝德的姑娘。
and with her I will live twenty years within the suburbs of Bagdad, in every pleasure that wealth can purchase, and fancy can invent. 在她的陪伴下,我在巴格达城郊一住就是二十年,凡是财富能买到的快乐都享受了,凡是能想出的奇思妙想都尝试了。
"'I will then retire to a rural
dwelling4, pass my days in obscurity and contemplation; and lie silently down on the bed of death. 从那以后我退隐山林,在默默无闻和沉思冥想中打发日子,直到静静的寿终正寝。
Through my life it shall be my settled resolution, that I will never depend on the smile of princes; 这将是我最后的归宿,我不再仰赖王子的微笑过日子了,
that I will never stand exposed to the
artifices5 of courts; I will never pant for public honors, nor disturb my quiet with the affairs of state.' 我也不会再在庙堂的虚伪中战战兢兢了;我不再渴望那个大众的欢呼,也不会为国务打扰内心的平静。
Such was my scheme of life, which I impressed indelibly upon my memory. 这就是我的生活计划,在我的记忆中刻下了难以磨灭的印象。
"The first part of my ensuing time was to be spent in search of knowledge, and I know not how I was diverted from my design. 最先要做的就是获取知识,我不晓得自己是如何偏离最初的设计的。