美国语文第六册 第31期:受惊的艺术家(7)
时间:2018-11-21 06:19:01
How transparent1 is the water! 瞧,画上那水多清澈啊!
What life breathes in the animals that
quench2 their thirst at that spring! 在清泉旁饮水的动物生活得多惬意啊!
How that steeple shines! How beautiful are those clustering trees!" 教堂的尖塔熠熠生辉!那些树丛画得多漂亮啊!”
This was the last expiring
throb3 of an artist's vanity. 这就是一位艺术家虚荣心最后濒临消亡前的悸动。
ominous4 silence continued, and Samuel, sick at heart, buried his face in his hands. 漫长的沉默还在继续,而萨缪尔一阵心悸,连忙用手捂住脸颊。
"Twenty-one thalers!" murmured a faint voice, just as the auctioneer was about to knock down the picture. “21泰勒!”就在拍卖员正要落槌表示流拍之际,一个软弱无力的声音轻声开价道,
The stupefied painter gave a start of joy. 这位惊呆了的画家转忧为喜。
He raised his head and looked to see from whose lips those blessed words had come. 他抬起头,想看看到底是从谁的嘴里说出这么神圣的字眼。
It was the picture
dealer5, to whom he had first thought of applying. 是一位画商,他本来就认为这个人会率先开价的。
"Fifty thalers," cried a
sonorous6 voice. “50泰勒!”一个洪亮的声音喊道。
This time a tall man in black was the speaker. 这次是一位身着黑衣服的高个子男人,他用喇叭喊价。
There was a silence of hushed expectation. 在一阵平静的期待中,拍卖会场陷于平静。
"One hundred thalers," at length thundered the picture dealer. “100泰勒,”终于,那位画商高声喊道。
"Three hundred!" "Five hundred!" "One thousand!" “300泰勒!”“500泰勒!”“1000泰勒!”
Another profound silence, and the crowd pressed around the two opponents, who stood opposite each other with eager and angry looks. 又陷入意味深长的沉默。人们簇拥在两位竞争对手周围,这两人面对面站着,都是一副热切又志在必得的神情,满脸怒气。
"Two thousand thalers!" cried the picture dealer, and glanced around him
triumphantly7, when he saw his
adversary8 hesitate. “2000泰勒!”这位画商喊道,他见对手略一踌躇,便盛气凌人地打量着对方。