美国语文第六册 第32期:受惊的艺术家(8)
时间:2018-11-21 06:20:09
"Ten thousand!" vociferated the tall man, his face crimson1 with rage, and his hands clinched2 convulsively. “10000泰勒!”这位高个子男人高声喝道,因为愤怒脸上泛出紫红色,双手痉挛般地紧攥着。
dealer3 grew paler; his frame shook with
agitation4; he made two or three efforts, and at last cried out "Twenty thousand!" 那位画商脸色更显苍白了,身体激动地战栗着。他试着张着嘴,最后喊出“20000泰勒!”
His tall opponent was not to be
vanquished5. He bid forty thousand. 他的对手没有被吓倒。他出价40000泰勒。
The dealer stopped; the other laughed a low laugh of
insolent6 triumph, and a
murmur7 of
admiration8 was heard in the crowd. 画商没有接着出价,对方的笑声中夹杂着低沉的胜利者的侮慢,人群发出较低的赞叹声。
It was too much for the dealer; he felt his peace was at stake. 对画商来说,这种声音太刺耳了,他觉得自己再也无法保持平和了。
"Fifty thousand!" exclaimed he in desperation. “50000泰勒!”他孤注一掷地喊道。
It was the tall man's turn to hesitate. 这次轮到高个子男人犹豫了。
Again the whole crowd were breathless. 人们再次屏住呼吸。
At length, tossing his arms in
defiance9, he shouted "One hundred thousand!" 最后,他用力挥动手臂,做出决战的架势,他用尽力气高喊“100000泰勒!”
How was it, meanwhile, with Duhobret, while this exciting scene was going on? 这番情景对杜霍布赖特来说恍若隔梦,这个激动人心的场面是怎么进行的?
He was hardly master of his senses. 他几乎无法自制了。
He rubbed his eyes repeatedly, and murmured to himself, "After such a dream, my
misery12 will seem more cruel!" 他一个劲地揉眼睛小声自语道,“这场梦过后,我的悲惨生活似乎更甚了!”
When the contest ceased, he rose up bewildered, and went about asking first one, then another, the price of the picture just sold. 当竞争终于停下来后,他困惑地站起来,先向第一个人打听,接下来又问另一个人这幅画最后卖了多少钱。
It seemed that his
apprehension13 could not at once be enlarged to so vast a conception. 仿佛他的理解力无法马上领会100000是个什么概念似的。