美国语文第六册 第45期:耐儿之死(2)
时间:2018-11-22 00:55:40
at the door of the poor schoolmaster on the summer evening, before the furnace fire upon the cold wet night, 夏日的黄昏立在那可怜的教师门口,寒冷潮湿的夜晚睡在那座熔炉的前面,
at the still bedside of the dying boy, there had been the same mild and lovely look. 当那个男孩子垂死的时候静静地站在病榻旁边,就是这同一个温柔、可爱的容颜。
So shall we know the angels, in their
majesty1, after death. 于是,我们晓得了人死之后天使们的威仪。
The old man held one languid arm in his, and had the small hand tight folded to his breast for warmth. 老人把一只柔弱的胳膊握在手里,把那只小手贴在他的胸前暖着。
It was the hand she had stretched out to him with her last smile; the hand that had led him on through all their wanderings. 就是这只手,她带着最后的笑容伸给他;同样是这只手,引领他四处漂泊。
Ever and anon he pressed it to his lips; then hugged it to his breast again, murmuring that it was warmer now, 他不时地把这只手递到唇边,然后又把它紧紧地握在自己胸前,嘟嘟囔囔地说比先前温暖多了。
and, as he said it, he looked in agony to those who stood around, as if
imploring2 them to help her. 说这番话时,他悲戚地望着四周站着的人,仿佛哀求他们帮她活过来。
She was dead, and past all help, or need of help. 她死了,一切都已经无济于事了。
The ancient rooms she had seemed to fill with life, even while her own was
waning3 fast, 尽管在她自己的生命凋残得这般迅速的时期,似乎只有她才能赋予生气的那些破旧的房间,
the garden she had tended, the eyes she had gladdened, the noiseless haunts of many a thoughtful hour, 她照看过的花园,她赋予欢乐的目光,在许多陷于沉思的时刻常常流连的地方,
the paths she had trodden, as it were, but yesterday, could know her no more. 连她昨天还走过的小径,都不会再见到她的踪影了。
"It is not," said the schoolmaster, as he
bent4 down to kiss her on the cheek, and gave his tears free
vent5, “不会的,”教师说着,弯下腰吻她的面颊,泪水涟涟,
"it is not in this world that heaven's justice ends. “天国的判决绝对不是要在这个尘世了结的。