美国语文第六册 第72期:国旗颂(2)
时间:2018-11-22 01:30:50
Each soldier's eye shall brightly turn 每位士兵的眼睛麻利地一起转向
To where thy sky-born glories burn, 你天生的荣耀迸发的地方,
And, as his springing steps advance, 随着他轻快地脚步向前,
Catch war and
vengeance1 from the glance. 从他的眼神中捕捉到战争和复仇的光芒。
And when the
cannon2 mouthings loud 当大炮突出火舌发出隆隆巨响
Heave in wild wreaths the battle
shroud3, 在战场的裹尸布中更显眼的是野花做成的花圈,
gory4 sabers rise and fall, 沾满血污的军刀高举又落下,
Like shoots of flame on midnight's
pall5, 就像午夜棺罩上的火苗,
Then shall thy meteor glances glow, 你那流星般的一瞥烁烁放光,
cowering6 foes8 shall sink beneath each
gallant9 arm, that strikes below that lovely messenger of death. 抖缩的敌人纷纷倒下,每个勇士的胳膊,击中下面死神可爱的信使。
Flag of the seas! on ocean's wave 大海的旗帜,在波浪上
Thy stars shall glitter o'er the brave; 你的群星闪烁着勇敢;
When death careering on the
gale10, Sweeps darkly round the
bellied11 sail, 当死神御风而至,船帆撑满,
And frighted waves rush wildly back, 在船舷卷回之前
Before the broadside's reeling rack, 骇浪狂野地回滚,
Each dying wanderer of the sea 大海上每位奄奄一息的游魂
Shall look at once to heaven and thee, 马上仰望天际和你,
And smile to see thy
splendors12 fly in triumph o'er his closing eye. 微笑地看着你绚丽的光芒为他即将合上的双眸带来胜利的喜悦。
Flag of the free heart's hope and home, 无拘无束的心里那象征希望和家的旗帜啊,
By angel hands to
valor13 given, 通过天使的手将英勇传给你们,
Thy stars have lit the welkin
dome14, 你的群星点亮了苍穹,
And all thy
hues15 were born in heaven. 天上出现你所有的华彩。
Forever float that standard sheet! 永远飘扬的是战舰的旗帜!
Where breathes the
foe7 but falls before us, 在与敌人浴血,却在我们面前倒下的地方
With Freedom's soil beneath our feet, 自由的土地就在我们脚下,
And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us? 自由的旗帜能在我们面前飘扬吗?