美国语文第六册 第75期:欠债讽诵(3)
时间:2018-11-22 01:35:25
His house only is known. No. 31 is good pay. No. 31 is ready money. Not a scrap1 of paper is ever made out for No. 31. 唯一知道的就是他家住在哪儿,31号门牌是借钱的去处,31号门牌是能借到钱的地方。没有一片纸上面记着31号。
It is an
anonymous2 house; its owner pays his way to obscurity. 这是一幢大隐于市的房舍。它的主人谋世之道在于默默无闻。
No one knows anything about him, or
heeds3 his movements. 没有人了解他的情况,或者注意他的行踪。
If a carriage be seen at his door, the neighborhood is not full of concern lest he be going to run away. 如果他家门口停着一辆马车,除非他驱车飞一样地跑掉,否则邻居是不会很在意的。
If a package be removed from his house, a score of boys are not employed to watch whether it be carried to the
pawnbroker4. 倘若从他家里搬出行李,不会有人雇用几个小伙子盯着这些家什是否搬到当铺老板那儿。
Mr. Payall fills no place in the public mind; no one has any hopes or fears about him. 债主先生在大众心里没有什么位置,没有人对他抱以希望或者害怕他。
creditor5 always figures in the fancy as a sour, single man, with grizzled hair, a
scowling6 countenance7, 债主在人们的想象中始终扮演一个坏脾气的角色,孤家寡人,一头灰白的头发,总是闷闷不乐和专横霸道的样子,
and a
peremptory8 air, who lives in a dark apartment, with musty deeds about him, and an iron safe, 住在一间光线幽暗的房子里,生活乏味,守着一个铁柜,
as impenetrable as his heart, grabbing together what he does not enjoy, and what there is no one about him to enjoy. 就像他的心一样无法一窥究竟,将他未必喜欢以及和他有关联的人也不高兴的东西放在一起。
debtor9, on the other hand, is always pictured with a wife and six fair-haired daughters, 另一方面,借主在人们心中始终是一副一位妻子领着六个头发稀疏的女儿的形象,
bound together in affection and
misery10, full of sensibility, and suffering without a fault. 维系着她们的是爱和悲惨的生活,非常敏感,不容自己犯错。
The creditor, it is never doubted, thrives without a merit. 毋庸置疑,债主就像没有德性的窃贼。
He has no wife and children to pity. 他无妻无子,没有人认为他应该有别的谋生手段。
No one ever thinks it desirable that he should have the means of living. He is a
brute11 for insisting that he must receive, in order to pay. 人们认为他坚持说自己必须得利,这样才能支付各种生活费用,这种做法是残忍的。