美国语文第六册 第94期:教师和生病的学者(4)
时间:2018-12-13 05:52:43
when even the bees were diving deep down into the cups of the flowers, and stopping there, 这么热的天,甚至连蜜蜂都要飞到花蕊里藏起来,
as if they had made up their minds to retire from business, and be manufacturers of honey no more. 好像它们决定退休,都不再做酿蜜的工作了。
The day was made for laziness, and lying on one's back in green places, and staring at the sky, 这样的天气人注定要懒惰倦怠,躺在草地上,仰望天空,
till its brightness forced the gazer to shut his eyes and go to sleep. 直到五彩斑斓刺目的光线强迫他闭上眼睛,昏昏欲睡。
And was this a time to be poring over musty books in a dark room, slighted by the very sun itself?
Monstrous1! 蛮不成这是憋闷在太阳不愿意光顾的黑屋子里,苦读乏味的书本的时候吗?简直荒唐透顶!
The lessons over, writing time began. 上完正课,写字时间开始了。
This was a more quiet time; 这是更加寂静难耐的时刻。
for the master would come and look over the writer's shoulder, and mildly tell him to observe how such a letter was turned up, 教师走来走去,他常常来到写字者的背后端详着,然后温和地告诉他,要看看那张字母表笔画是如何下笔的,
in such a copy on the wall, which had been written by their sick companion, and bid him take it as a model. 这张字母表是那个生病的学生临摹的,作为范本挂在墙上。
Then he would stop and tell them what the sick child had said last night, and how he had longed to be among them once again; 然后他停下脚步告诉他们,昨天晚上那个生病的孩子说了些什么,他是多么渴望重新和他们一起;
and such was the poor schoolmaster's gentle and affectionate manner, 可怜的教师那种又温柔又可亲的态度令他们颇为感动,
that the boys seemed quite
remorseful2 that they had worried him so much, and were absolutely quiet; 这些孩子似乎懊悔不该让他那么不省心,就这样大家全都安静下来。
eating no apples, cutting no names, and making no
grimaces3 for full two minutes
afterward4. 谁也不吃苹果了,没人再用小刀刻名字了,也不再挤眉弄眼扮鬼脸了,足足持续了两分钟之久。