
美国国家公共电台 NPR To Help The Homeless, Some In LA Are Giving Them A Place To Stay

时间:2018-12-18 02:20:28





When you drive around LA, it's impossible to miss the problem of homelessness. LA County has about 53,000 homeless people. That's more than any other metropolitan1 area in the U.S. besides New York City.

ANNA SCOTT, BYLINE2: So you see there's a whole line of tents right there under that overpass3...

SHAPIRO: That highway overpass, yeah.

SCOTT: ...Highway overpass. That's what you typically see around the city. I mean, every free...

SHAPIRO: That's reporter Anna Scott. She covers homelessness for member station KCRW.

Is somebody living in this van that we just passed?

SCOTT: My guess would be yes. That's also really typical to see.

SHAPIRO: Anna and I have been looking at one interesting way that LA is approaching this problem. Hi, Anna.

SCOTT: Hello.

SHAPIRO: So this program is called Host Home. It's been tried in other cities, but LA has just completed a one-year pilot program. Explain how it works.

SCOTT: Yeah, it's almost like an exchange student program where you can host somebody in your home. In this case, the people coming into the home would be young homeless people between the ages of 18 and 25. And the hosts are volunteers who take them in for three to six months.

MARLENE RAPKIN: So they have a bathroom here and in the room.

SHAPIRO: You went to one of these arrangements where a young couple was living in an older couple's house. Tell us about them.

SCOTT: Yeah, so the younger couple - they had a kind of unusual story.

BRYAN LOPEZ: My name is Bryan, and I'm 23.

HELEN LOPEZ: My name's Helen Fullgar (ph). Well, I got married, so it's Lopez now. But...

SCOTT: Helen and Bryan Lopez - they're 22 and 23 years old. They got married, and their parents did not approve of them getting married so young. And that's what led to them being homeless.

B LOPEZ: My mom agreed to it, but my dad didn't, so I just got kicked out the house. I didn't really think he was going to do that to me. So he just kicked us out. And I was like, fine, I'll just take the car. And we ended up going to Santa Monica. So we started living there for, like, a cool three months.

SCOTT: Just showering at the public showers near the beach, going to Starbucks to charge their phones and get water. And eventually they got connected with this Host Home program.

H LOPEZ: It was a little shaky 'cause we were the first couple to ever be, like, on the list. But we're blessed to have had the Rapkins open their home to us.

SCOTT: So now they're living with an older empty-nester couple. Their names are Michael and Marlene Rapkin. They're both retired5 attorneys6. And they have this big house.

MARLENE RAPKIN: So here's a family room that we also don't use (laughter).

SCOTT: Oh, wow.

MARLENE RAPKIN: And we told them they're welcome to use it, watch TV.

MICHAEL RAPKIN: The bathroom is there, but, like, the second floor is also open.

SCOTT: And they've both done a lot of volunteering over the years around homelessness, and they got involved in this because they wanted to do something more.

MARLENE RAPKIN: This was an opportunity to walk the walk.

SHAPIRO: We're hearing this tape from your visit to the house back in October. How has it been working out for them since then?

SCOTT: They say it's been working out really well.

B LOPEZ: Well, it feels great to live in a room, to have a bed. Living in a car for three months, sleeping on a chair, I actually forgot how it is to - how a bed felt. So to let us borrow their showers - it was amazing just to shower. Every time I'd come from work, I would just shower. You know, we're grateful for them opening their room, you know? So...

SCOTT: Is it ever awkward7? Not to be (laughter) - make it uncomfortable, but I would imagine at first, you know...

H LOPEZ: Well, at first...

SCOTT: ...Living with strangers, it's...

H LOPEZ: ...I was just more nervous than awkward. Too many good things were happening throughout that time that we moved in. Like, he started working. And then it was time to move in. And I was just like, is it really happening? Like, especially in this neighborhood - I wouldn't have ever expected ever in my life to live somewhere around here. And they're part of our journey that helped us succeed in life.

SHAPIRO: One of the things I find so interesting about this program is that it seems like whenever you talk about homelessness, there's this NIMBY problem - not in my backyard. And this program asks people to not only allow homeless people in their neighborhood but really invite them into their home, in their spare bedroom.

SCOTT: Yeah, it's pretty much as personal as you can get in terms of finding a solution to homelessness. And that's the idea of the program. It's to put a human face on this enormous crisis8.

SHAPIRO: There's an organization in Venice that's been running this program for the last year, and you and I went to meet the woman in charge.

ALISON HURST: My name's Alison Hurst. I'm the executive9 director of Safe Place for Youth.

SCOTT: This is an unassuming drop-in center right in the heart of Venice near the beach. Every week, hundreds of young people come here for showers, food, medical services.

SHAPIRO: Yeah, and for the last year, Safe Place for Youth has been the only organization in LA running a Host Home program. But now the LA Homeless Services Authority has put out a call for bids hoping to fund five organizations to create similar programs across the county. Hurst says the symbolism is as important as the mechanics10.

HURST: I think it's an amazing way to really rehumanize who we're talking about here.

SHAPIRO: It sounds like you're saying the value of this program is as much in the symbolism and the culture change and the statement as it is in the number of people who are provided homes.

HURST: That is exactly what we believe it to be. For me, the value is in the actual conversations and what it kind of - what it's rustling11 up from the community.

SCOTT: In the last year, this pilot program placed six young people in host homes. In other cities where programs like this have existed for longer, the numbers are in the dozens.

SHAPIRO: On the day that we visited Safe Place for Youth, Alison Hurst told us that one of the young people had just moved into their own apartment after six months in a host home. So couple days later, we went to visit.

Are you Relly? Oh, my God, I'm Ari.

RELLY BROWN: Nice to meet you.

SHAPIRO: It's so nice to meet you.

SCOTT: Hey, I'm Anna. Nice to meet you.

A disproportionate number of young homeless people are queer12. So is Relly Brown. They use plural13 pronouns. Relly moved here for a boyfriend who stole everything and left Relly with no place to go, which is how Relly ended up on the street.

SHAPIRO: Even though you've only been here for a few days, you've got a few key items up already. There's a Powerpuff Girls painting.


SHAPIRO: There is a vinyl copy of Beyonce's "Lemonade."

BROWN: That's priceless.

SHAPIRO: (Laughter).

BROWN: That right there's a priceless treasure.

SHAPIRO: You're already making this house a home. There's a little Oscars statue.

BROWN: Yes. The room is not that big, but it's home to me. It's comforting. It's everything I wanted it to be. You can probably tell by my voice it's like it's hard to find words 'cause moments like this you have to soak in, and moments like this you don't know what to say.

SCOTT: Is there anything different, do you think, about the fact that you stayed at a host home than if you had been staying for those six months in a shelter, for example, or just somewhere with a roof over your head and using services but not in a person's house?

BROWN: It was just a personal connection I felt, that one person that cared. You know what I'm saying - 'cause you have people that say they care, but you know they really - they don't.

SHAPIRO: For a while, you were only living out of whatever you could carry with you from one place to another. And now you've got this place that is your own. What are you most excited about having here that you haven't had for a while?

BROWN: Peace.

SHAPIRO: I thought you were going to say, like, your own bed, but actually peace is a...

BROWN: Peace.

SHAPIRO: ...Much better answer (laughter).

BROWN: Peace, quiet, sanity14, just a peace of mind. That's all I wanted back.

SCOTT: One of the ways Relly kept sane15 during those months of homelessness was by writing songs. And before we left, Relly sang for us one of the tunes16 they wrote when they were looking for a place to land.

BROWN: (Singing) I have seen so much in my lifetime. And I know it's rough, yeah, but it's going to be all right. I've been hiding...

SHAPIRO: That is Relly Brown in their new home in Los Angeles. Anna, is this program actually going to solve this problem of tens of thousands of homeless people in the Los Angeles area?

SCOTT: No, of course not. This one little program is not going to solve the problem. But it is one of several small efforts like this in LA to get regular citizens engaged in trying to make a dent4 in this problem. And the truth is when you have 53,000 homeless people, everything is really a drop in the bucket. But you have to fill that bucket somehow.

SHAPIRO: Anna Scott of member station KCRW, thanks.

SCOTT: You're welcome.



1 metropolitan mCyxZ     
  • Metropolitan buildings become taller than ever.大城市的建筑变得比以前更高。
  • Metropolitan residents are used to fast rhythm.大都市的居民习惯于快节奏。
2 byline sSXyQ     
  • His byline was absent as well.他的署名也不见了。
  • We wish to thank the author of this article which carries no byline.我们要感谢这篇文章的那位没有署名的作者。
3 overpass pmVz3Z     
  • I walked through an overpass over the road.我步行穿过那条公路上面的立交桥。
  • We should take the overpass when crossing the road.我们过马路应走天桥。
4 dent Bmcz9     
  • I don't know how it came about but I've got a dent in the rear of my car.我不知道是怎么回事,但我的汽车后部有了一个凹痕。
  • That dent is not big enough to be worth hammering out.那个凹陷不大,用不着把它锤平。
5 retired Njhzyv     
  • The old man retired to the country for rest.这位老人下乡休息去了。
  • Many retired people take up gardening as a hobby.许多退休的人都以从事园艺为嗜好。
6 attorneys 5ea51d3bf46029faa13ddaaf3da29638     
代理人,律师( attorney的名词复数 )
  • The judge granted the condemned man a respite to enable his attorneys to file an appeal. 法官同意缓期执行,以便这个犯人的律师提出上诉。
  • At five the attorneys would have gone home. 5点钟律师们就会回家了。 来自英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
7 awkward eu6ze     
  • John is so shy and awkward that everyone notices him.约翰如此害羞狼狈,以至于大家都注意到了他。
  • I was the only man among the guests and felt rather awkward.作为客人中的唯一男性,我有些窘迫。
8 crisis pzJxT     
  • He had proved that he could be relied on in a crisis.他已表明,在紧要关头他是可以信赖的。
  • The topic today centers about the crisis in the Middle East.今天课题的中心是中东危机。
9 executive Ymlxs     
  • A good executive usually gets on well with people.一个好的高级管理人员通常与人们相处得很好。
  • He is a man of great executive ability.他是个具有极高管理能力的人。
10 mechanics SorzBH     
  • The mechanics of fixing a car are very long.修理一部汽车的过程很长。
  • The mechanics of the machine are very old.这台机器的机件非常老。
11 rustling c6f5c8086fbaf68296f60e8adb292798     
n. 瑟瑟声,沙沙声 adj. 发沙沙声的
  • the sound of the trees rustling in the breeze 树木在微风中发出的沙沙声
  • the soft rustling of leaves 树叶柔和的沙沙声
12 queer f0rzP     
  • I heard some queer footsteps.我听到某种可疑的脚步声。
  • She has been queer lately.她最近身体不舒服。
13 plural c2WzP     
  • Most plural nouns in English end in's '.英语的复数名词多以s结尾。
  • Here you should use plural pronoun.这里你应该用复数代词。
14 sanity sCwzH     
  • I doubt the sanity of such a plan.我怀疑这个计划是否明智。
  • She managed to keep her sanity throughout the ordeal.在那场磨难中她始终保持神志正常。
15 sane 9YZxB     
  • He was sane at the time of the murder.在凶杀案发生时他的神志是清醒的。
  • He is a very sane person.他是一个很有头脑的人。
16 tunes 175b0afea09410c65d28e4b62c406c21     
n.曲调,曲子( tune的名词复数 )v.调音( tune的第三人称单数 );调整;(给收音机、电视等)调谐;使协调
  • a potpourri of tunes 乐曲集锦
  • When things get a bit too much, she simply tunes out temporarily. 碰到事情太棘手时,她干脆暂时撒手不管。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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