美国语文第六册 第101期:拿破仑·波拿巴的性格(1)
时间:2018-12-27 02:29:44
He is fallen! 他倒下了!
We may now pause before that splendid
prodigy1, which towered among us like some ancient ruin, whose power terrified the glance its magnificence attracted. 现在,我们在这位举世罕见的奇才面前驻足,他就像某些古代遗迹那样伫立在我们中间,他的威力令投向他那富丽堂皇外表的目光慑服。
A mind, bold, independent, and decisive; a will, despotic in its
dictates6; 他的想法大胆,有主见,坚决果断;他的意志体现出独裁者的专横;
an energy that distanced expedition; and a conscience,
pliable7 to every touch of interest, 他有进行长距离远征的旺盛精力;他的良心易受每一切身利益的影响。
marked the outlines of this extraordinary character — the most extraordinary, perhaps, that in the annals of this world ever rose, or
reigned8, or fell. 这种奇特的性格以上述特征为标志——也许,最不同寻常的就体现在这个世界总是兴起、占主导地位和覆灭的编年史之中。
Flung into life in the midst of a revolution that quickened every energy of a people who acknowledged no superior, 扑进一场大革命,这场革命很快将认为不存在优越感的人们调集起来,
he commenced his course, a stranger by birth, and a scholar by charity. 他开始了自己的伟大航程,一个天生的陌生人、一个悲天悯人的学者。
With no friend but his sword, and no fortune but his talents, 没有朋友,只有手中的利刃;没有财产,但有的是才具,
he rushed into the lists where rank, and wealth, and genius had arrayed themselves, and competition fled from him, as from the glance of destiny. 他匆忙进入按等级、财富和天才排列的名单,但他逃离了竞争,也逃离了命运的眷顾。
He knew no
motive9 but interest; acknowledged no criterion but success; he worshiped no God but ambition; 他的眼中只有利益,没有动机;他只认可成功,而不论标准;他奉为神明的不是上帝,而是野心。
and, with an eastern devotion, he knelt at the
shrine10 of his idolatry. 凭借一种东方式的虔诚,他拜倒在自己偶像崇拜的神龛前。