美国语文第六册 第110期:沃尔浦尔反驳皮特先生的演讲(2)
时间:2019-01-25 04:49:59
and perhaps the gentleman may have contracted his habits of oratory1 by conversing2 more with those of his own age 绅士们也许通过与其说讲些符合自己年龄的话,
than with such as have more opportunities of acquiring knowledge, and more successful methods of communicating their sentiments. 不如说有更多的机会获得知识,互相交流情感这种更卓有成效的方式来约束自己的擅用长词和华丽辞藻的习惯。
If the heat of temper would permit him to attend to those whose age and long acquaintance with business 如果脾气的激动程度允许他听取那些他们的年龄和长期往来的旧交能
give them an indisputable right to
deference3 and superiority, he would learn in time to reason, rather than declaim; 赋予他们一种不容置疑的遵从权利和优越感的意见,他将适时学会理性,而不是猛烈抨击;
and to prefer justness of argument and an accurate knowledge of facts, to sounding
epithets4 and splendid superlatives, 他会更喜欢论点的正当性和对事实的精确了解,试探着使用词语和极好的最高级表达方式,
which may disturb the imagination for a moment, but leave no
lasting5 impression upon the mind. 虽然一时间会在听者的想象中掀起波澜,但不会在心里留下持久的印象。
He would learn, that to accuse and prove are very different; 他会弄清楚谴责和证实是完全不同的,
and that reproaches, unsupported by evidence, affect only the character of him that utters them. 没有证据支持的谴责只会影响说这些话的人的品质。
Excursions of fancy and flights of oratory are indeed pardonable in young men, but in no other; 想象的远足和华丽辞藻的异想天开,诚然能为年轻人所谅解,除此之外别无其他。
and it would surely contribute more, even to the purpose for which some gentlemen appear to speak (that of
depreciating6 the conduct of the administration), 可以肯定的是,这种做法会促进,甚至促使显然也有此意图的绅士一吐为快(贬低政府的职能),
to prove the inconveniences and
injustice7 of this bill, than barely to assert them, 来证明这项议案的不便之处和不正当性,
with whatever magnificence of language, or appearance of
zeal8, honesty, or
compassion9. 而不是只不过用语言的所谓华丽,或真诚的外表或同情而对这些话表示支持。