美国语文第六册 第116期:亨利五世致部队士兵
时间:2019-02-12 08:31:49
Once more unto the breach1, dear friends, once more; 亲爱的朋友们,加把劲向缺口冲啊;
Or close the wall up with our English dead. 要么拿咱们英国人的尸体去封堵住这道墙。
In peace there 's nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and
humility2: 在安定时期,就要做个大丈夫,斯文平和,还有谦逊都不可少;
But when the blast of war blows in our ears, 但是当耳畔响起战鼓的喧嚣,
Then imitate the action of the tiger; 就要效仿猛虎饿狼;
Stiffen3 the sinews, summon up the blood, 让筋脉喷张,让血气上扬,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favored rage; 把善良的天性化成面目狰狞的愤怒。
Then lend the eye a terrible aspect; 一双眼睛放出可怕的火光,
Let it
pry4 through the portage of the head like the
brass5 cannon6; let the brow o'erwhelm it 从眼窝突出来,就像铜炮管;还要把那双眉拧紧,把眼睛罩住,
As fearfully as doth a
galled7 rock o'er hang and jutty his confounded base, 恰似受到侮辱的岩石俯视着防波堤那令人惊愕的底座,
Now set the teeth, and stretch the
nostril10 wide, 牙关紧咬,鼻孔张大,
Hold hard the breath, and bend up every spirit to its full height! On, on, you noblest English, 屏住呼吸,像弓弦一样把每根神经绷紧!冲啊,冲啊,你们这些最高贵的英国人,
Whose blood is fet from fathers of war proof! 血管里流着的祖先的热血就是明证!
Fathers, that, like so many Alexanders, 你们的祖先个个像亚历山大,
Have, in these parts, from morn till even, fought, 就在这些地方,从早杀到晚,
sheathed11 their swords for lack of argument; 直到没有敌手,才把那宝剑藏起。
Be copy now to men of grosser blood, 现在,效仿那些勇敢的人,
And teach them how to war. 教给他们该怎样打仗吧!
And you, good yeomen, whose limbs were made in England, show us here the
mettle12 of your pasture; 还有你们,好农民们,你们的根生长在英格兰土地上,就在这儿我们看看你们的精神和勇气。
let us swear that you are worth your breeding, which I doubt not; 让我们发誓吧,你们配得上你们的血统,我毫不怀疑;
For there is none of you so mean and base, that hath not noble
luster13 in your eyes. 因为你们都不是那种平庸卑微的人,眼睛里闪烁出高贵的神采。
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, 我看到,你们站在这里,和上了皮带的猎狗一样,
Straining upon the start. The game's afoot; 全身绷紧准备开始。狩猎开始啦;
Follow your spirit: and, upon this charge, cry — "God for
Harry14, England, and St. George!" 打起精神:勇往直前,边冲边喊:“上帝保佑亨利、英格兰和圣乔治!”