美国语文第六册 第131期:哲学家(2)
时间:2019-03-07 04:45:12
His beard is grizzled with silver stubble, which the parson reaps about twice a week — if the weather be fair. 他胡须灰白,像银色茬子似的,教区长每周都要修剪两次——如果天气允许的话。
Mr. Chub is a philosopher after the order of Socrates. 查伯先生是一位奉苏格拉底为圭臬的哲学家。
where he suffered much
tribulation3 in the
disturbances4, as they are mildly called, of his much-enduring country. 在那儿他曾遇到许多麻烦事,人们委婉地称那里是他长期不堪忍受的故乡。
But the old gentleman has weathered the storm without losing a
jot5 of that broad, healthy
benevolence6 不过,这位老绅士已经平安度过那段困难时期,没有丧失一点宽阔的胸襟,
with which Nature has
enveloped7 his heart, and whose ensign she has
hoisted8 in his face. 自然女神已经赋予他的心灵健康的仁善,在他脸上烙下了印记。
The early part of his life had been easy and prosperous, 他早年生活相当惬意和富足,
until the rebellion of 1798
stimulated9 his republicanism into a fever, and drove the full-blooded hero headlong into a quarrel, 在1798年爆发的武装叛乱的刺激下,他的思想由共和主义转向狂热,使得这位热血沸腾的英雄成为一位好争吵的人,
and put him, in spite of his peaceful profession, to
standing10 by his pike in behalf of his principles. 尽管他从事的是平和的职业,但他却拿起能代表他的信条的武器随时准备战斗。
By this unhappy boiling over of the caldron of his
valor11, he fell under the ban of the ministers, and tested his share of government mercy. 由于象征他好战和英勇的大锅被烧沸了,遂被驱逐出教会,多亏了政府的宽容才没有出现更坏的结果。
His house was burnt over his head, 他脑袋一热点燃了自家的房子,
his horses and hounds (for, by all accounts, he was a perfect Actaeon) were "
confiscate12 to the state," and he was forced to fly. 马匹和猎狗(据大家说,他是一位完美的亚克托安,希腊神话中的神)“也被罚没充公了”。他被迫远走他乡。