美国语文第六册 第137期:马米恩和道格拉斯(2)
时间:2019-03-19 06:53:04
And if thou said'st I am not peer to any lord in Scotland here, lowland or Highland1, far or near, 如果你说我与苏格兰的任何王公都不配同侪,不论低地还是高地,远还是近的,
Lord Angus, thou hast lied!" 安格斯大人,你在胡说八道!”
On the Earl's cheek the flush of rage, o'ercame the
ashen2 hue3 of age. 伯爵的脸颊上飞起愤怒的红晕,掩住了岁月的苍白。
Fierce he broke forth,—"And dar'st thou then to beard the lion in his
den4, 他凶狠地说——“你竟敢捋在窝里安眠的猛狮的胡须,
The Douglas in his hall? 道格拉斯还在他的地盘上吧?
And hop'st thou hence unscathed to go? 你还寄望毫发无损地离开吗?
No, by Saint Bride of Bothwell, no! 不,我以博斯维尔的圣徒新娘的名义(指的是苏格兰女王玛丽),绝对不能!
Up drawbridge, grooms,—what, warder, ho! 上吊桥吧,马夫——看守,小心伺候!
Let the portcullis fall." 放下吊闸。”
Lord Marmion turned,—well was his need,— 马米恩大人转过脸来——还是那样从容,
And dashed the rowels in his steed, 从他的坐骑猛的掷出小齿轮,
Like arrow through the archway sprung; 就像箭一般穿过拱门;
To pass there was such
scanty6 room, 闪出勉强的空间,
The steed along the drawbridge flies, 他的战马飞过吊桥,
Just as it trembled on the rise; 仿佛它在斜坡上振翅高飞;
lighter10 does the swallow skim along the smooth lake's level brim: 没有比它更轻盈的雨燕飞掠,沿着平滑的湖面边缘;
And when Lord Marmion reached his band 马米恩和他的人马会合后,
He halts, and turns with
clenched11 hand, 他勒住战马攥紧拳头,
And shook his gauntlet at the towers. 冲塔楼挥着长手套。
"Horse! horse!" the Douglas cried, "and chase!" “马!马!”道格拉斯叫道,“快追!”
But soon he
reined13 his fury's pace: 但是很快他收拢狂怒的脚步:
"A royal messenger he came, “皇家信使到近前来,
Though most unworthy of the name. 尽管这个名字最不值得提及,
Saint Mary mend my
fiery14 mood! 圣玛丽会安抚我暴躁的情绪,
Old age ne'er cools the Douglas' blood; 上了年纪绝不会让道格拉斯的血液冷却;
I thought to
slay15 him where he stood. 我想杀死和他作对的那个人,
T is pity of him, too," he cried; 这样太便宜他了,”他喊道;
"Bold he can speak, and fairly ride; 他竟敢口出狂言,大摇大摆地扬长而去;
I warrant him a
warrior16 tried." “我不会为难疲惫的勇士。”
And slowly seeks his castle halls. 慢慢寻找落脚的城堡。