美国语文第六册 第141期:洗礼(3)
时间:2019-03-27 05:44:08
Yet, here came the persecuted1 Christians2 and worshiped God, whose hand hung over their head those magnificent pillars and arches, 不过,被迫害的基督徒到这里来做礼拜,上帝把手放在那些壮观的石柱和拱门顶上,
scooped3 out those galleries from the solid rock, and laid at their feet the calm water, in its
transparent4 beauty, 将走廊与结实的巨石分开,走廊下面是一泓潭水。
in which they could see themselves sitting, in reflected groups, with their Bibles in their hands. 透过透明的潭水他们能看到自己的坐姿,手上捧着《圣经》。
Here, upon a semicircular
ledge5 of rocks, over a narrow
chasm6, of which the tiny stream played in a murmuring waterfall, 在这儿,在半圆形的突出的石壁上,在巨石狭窄的裂口上,那条小溪流水潺潺,
and divided the congregation into two equal parts, sat about a hundred persons, all
devoutly7 listening to their minister, 将教堂会众分成人数均等的两部分,坐着的一百名会众全都虔诚地聆听牧师布道,
who stood before them on what might he called a small, natural pulpit of living stone. 牧师站在他们前面那块他称作讲坛的石头上,那块不大的石头似乎也有了生气。
Up to it there led a short flight of steps, and over it waved the
canopy8 of a tall,
graceful9 birch tree. 在石头上面有一段短短的台阶,华盖上一株挺拔优雅的桦树迎风摇曳。
The pulpit stood in the middle of the channel, directly facing the congregation, 讲坛位于通道的中央,直接面向教堂会众,
and separated from them by the clear, deep, sparkling pool, into which the scarce-heard water poured over the blackened rock. 将会众分开的是清澈见底、水波涟漪的水潭,人们很少听到水漫过黑魆魆的石头的声音。
The water, as it left the pool, separated into two streams, and flowed on each side of that altar, thus placing it in an island, 在尽头处,潭分成两条小溪,水绕着祭坛流淌。就这样,祭坛成了一个小岛,
whose large, mossy stones were richly embowered under the golden blossoms and green tresses of the broom. 长满苔藓的大石头被下面的金盏花和绿树丛环绕着。