美国语文第六册 第145期:洗礼(7)
时间:2019-04-08 07:03:09
"A bonnet1, a bonnet," cried another; "now for the pretty, sanctified face, that rolled its demure2 eyes below it." 一个士兵喊道,然后用脚踢到水潭里。“呢帽,呢帽,”另一个士兵喊了一声,“用来遮住姣好神圣的脸,盖住眉毛的。”
But after a few jests and oaths, the soldiers stood still, 不过,在一阵肆无忌惮的玩笑和诅咒过后,
eying with a kind of mysterious
dread3 the black and silent walls of the rocks that
hemmed4 them in, 士兵们仍站在原地未动,脸上流露出一种神秘的敬畏,盯着四周黑魆魆、静默得吓人的石壁,
and hearing only the small voice of the stream that sent a profounder stillness through the heart of that
majestic5 solitude6. 只听见小溪流水的声音,这是水从潭底发出的回声。
"What if these cowardly Covenanters should tumble down upon our heads pieces of rock, from their hiding places! Advance, or retreat?" “要是这些愚蠢的盟约者在他们的藏身之处朝我们的脑袋扔石头该怎么办!我们向前还是后退?”
There was no reply; for a slight fear was upon every man. 没人回答。因为哪怕是最轻微的恐吓也会吓坏每个人。
Musket7 or bayonet could be of little use to men obliged to clamber up rocks, along slender paths, leading they know not where. 火枪或刺刀根本不能帮助这些人沿着狭窄的小道攀上岩石,他们无所适从。
And they were aware that armed men nowadays worshiped God; 他们意识到今天来做礼拜的人都全副武装,
men of iron hearts, who feared not the glitter of the soldier's arms, neither barrel nor bayonet; 这些有着坚强意志的人是不会害怕士兵手里的火器的,更不用说枪筒和刺刀了。
men of long stride, firm step, and broad breast, who, on the open field, would have
overthrown8 the marshaled line, 在开阔地带,迈着大步和挺着宽阔胸膛的会众会冲垮士兵列好的阵形,
and gone first and foremost, if a city had to be taken by storm. 如果必须攻城拔寨的话,那么一鼓作气是最要紧的。
As the soldiers were
standing9 together
irresolute10, a noise came upon their ears like distant thunder, but even more
appalling11; 就在这些士兵站在那儿犹豫不定时,传来一阵雷鸣般的声音,好像是从远处发出的,可是更令人失魂落魄。