美国语文第六册 第151期:守安息日(4)
时间:2019-04-30 01:47:56
The observance of the Sabbath is also most influential1 in securing national prosperity. 在确保国家兴旺繁荣上,守安息日也具有很大的影响力。
The God of Heaven has said, "Them that honor me I will honor," 上帝说过,“给我荣誉的人,我会酬之以荣。”
You will not often find a notorious Sabbath breaker a
permanently2 prosperous man; 你不会经常发现一个臭名昭著的不守安息日的人,竟然是一位成功人士。
and a Sabbath-breaking community is never a happy or prosperous community. 一个践踏安息日守则的社会绝对不是一个幸福和繁荣的社会。
There is a multitude of unobserved influences which the Sabbath exerts upon the temporal welfare of men. 安息日对人的现世福祉产生的影响,在很大程度上是无法估量的。
It promotes the spirit of good order and harmony; it elevates the poor from want; 它能提升良好的秩序与和谐的精神实质;它能鼓舞穷人摆脱物质匮乏;
it transforms squalid wretchedness; it imparts self-respect and
elevation3 of character; 它能改变污秽的悲惨;它能给予自尊和个性的提升;
it promotes softness and civility of manners; 它能促进举止仪态的柔和与礼貌;
it brings together the rich and the poor upon one common level in the house of prayer; 它能让富人和穷人为了祈祷而共处一室;
it purifies and strengthens the social affections, 它能净化和加强社会大爱,
and makes the family circle the center of
allurement4 and the source of instruction, comfort, and happiness. 使得家庭紧紧围绕有吸引力的事物和教化之源。沐浴在幸福和温馨之中,
Like its own divine religion, "it has the promise of the life that now is and that which is to come," 就像它神圣的教义那样,“它对现在和即将到来的生活做出承诺。”
for men can not put themselves beyond the reach of hope and heaven so long as they treasure up this one command, 因为人们不会将自己置于希望和上帝之外,只要重视安息日,
"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." “牢记安息日吧,切实恪守。”