美国语文第六册 第155期:哥伦布的性格(1)
时间:2019-04-30 01:50:20
Columbus was a man of great and inventive genius. 哥伦布是一位伟人、一位富有创造性的天才。
The operations of his mind were energetic, but irregular; 他的思维非常活跃,别出心裁,
forth1, at times, with that
irresistible2 force which characterizes intellect of such an order. 爆发出不可遏制的力量,这种力量以睿智为标志。
His ambition was lofty and noble, inspiring him with high thoughts and an anxiety to distinguish himself by great achievements. 他抱负极高,以崇高的思想和对自己完成重大使命的焦虑来激励自己。
He aimed at dignity and wealth in the same elevated spirit with which he sought
renown3; 他在提升追求名望所必需的精神同时,他的人生目标体现在尊贵和财富上。
they were to rise from the territories he should discover, and be commensurate in importance. 这些东西就在他发现的领土上,其重要性堪比领土本身。
His conduct was characterized by the
grandeur4 of his views and the magnanimity of his spirit. 他的行为以视野的宏伟和精神的雅量高致为特征。
Instead of
ravaging5 the newly-found countries, like many of his cotemporary discoverers, 与在新发现的国家进行破坏和蹂躏不同的是,同许多与他同时代的发现者,
who were intent only on
immediate6 gain, he regarded them with the eyes of a legislator; 只是一心想马上索取——一样,他用立法者的眼光看待这些领土;
he sought to
colonize7 and cultivate them, to
civilize8 the natives, to build cities, introduce the useful arts, 他致力于殖民和拓荒,对土著进行教化,修建城市,引进实用技艺,
subject everything to the control of law, order, and religion, and thus to found regular and prosperous empires. 将所有的一切都纳入法律、秩序和宗教的控制之下,只有这样才能建立合乎原则和兴旺繁荣的帝国。
That he failed in this was the fault of the dissolute
rabble9 which it was his misfortune to command, 导致他失败的错误在于无节制的暴民,不幸的是他未能控制住他们。
with whom all law was tyranny and all order oppression. 对这些人而言,所有的法律都是残暴的,所有的秩序都是压迫。
He was naturally irascible and impetuous, and keenly sensible to injury and
injustice10; 他自然而然地失去理性并好冲动了,对损害和不公平尤其敏感。