美国语文第六册 第156期:哥伦布的性格(2)
时间:2019-05-09 02:02:30
The magnanimity of his nature shone forth1 through all the troubles of his stormy career. 他天性中的宽宏大量能够化解他那急风暴雨般职业生涯中出现的所有麻烦。
Though continually
outraged2 in his dignity, braved in his authority, foiled in his plans, and endangered in his person by the seditions of turbulent and worthless men, 尽管那些好挑动是非和毫无价值的人的叛乱一再冒犯他的尊严,践踏他的权威,打乱他的计划,危及他的人身安全,
and that, too, at times when suffering under
anguish3 of body and anxiety of mind enough to
exasperate4 the most patient, 与此同时身体上的痛苦和内心的焦虑都达到了能承受的极限,
yet he restrained his
valiant5 and indignant spirit, and brought himself to forbear, and reason, and even to
supplicate6. 但他还是约束自己好勇和易怒的情绪,极力克制自己,诉诸理性,甚至恳求那些暴民。
Nor can the reader of the story of his eventful life fail to notice how free he was from all feeling of revenge, 读了这个描述他多灾多难人生经历故事的人,当然会注意到他是如何抛开所有复仇想法的,
how ready to forgive and forget on the least sign of
repentance7 and atonement. 他是怎样准备宽恕和忘却哪怕一点点忏悔和赎罪的迹象。
He has been
exalted8 for his skill in controlling others, 他以指挥和控制别人所显示出来的技巧而受到推崇,
but far greater praise is due to him for the firmness he displayed in governing himself. 但是更多的赞誉源于他在自我控制中体现出来的坚毅。
mingled11 with the whole course of his thoughts and actions, and shone forth in his most private and unstudied writings. 在他思想和行为的整个发展过程中始终都离不开宗教,在他最私密和未经认真研究的日记里毕现无遗。
Whenever he made any great discovery he
devoutly12 returned thanks to God. 每当有重大发现,他都会虔诚地感谢上帝的恩赐。
The voice of prayer and the melody of praise rose from his ships on discovering the new world, 在发现新世界的过程中,从他带领的船队上始终都能听到祈祷者的心声和对上帝赞美的声音。
and his first action on landing was to
prostrate13 himself upon the earth and offer up thanksgiving. 他踏上陆地最先做的就是匍匐在地,献上对上帝的感恩。