美国语文第六册 第157期:哥伦布的性格(3)
时间:2019-05-09 02:02:53
All his great enterprises were undertaken in the name of the Holy Trinity, 他的全部伟大事业都是以圣三一体(指圣父、圣子、圣灵三位一体)的名义达成的,
and he partook of the holy sacrament previous to
embarkation1. 他是按先前的圣礼礼拜上帝。
He observed the festivals of the church in the wildest situations. 在最荒凉的环境下,他仍然遵循宗教习俗。
The Sabbath was to him a day of sacred rest, on which he would never sail from a port unless in case of extreme necessity. 对他来说,安息日就是神圣的休息日,除非非常必要,否则在这一天他绝不会驾船远航。
The religion thus deeply seated in his soul
diffused2 a sober dignity and a
benign3 composure over his whole deportment; 因此,宗教已经扎根于他的灵魂深处,他的整个举止仪态流露出严肃的高贵和仁慈宽厚的镇静。
his very language was pure and guarded, and free from all gross or irreverent expressions. 最能体现出他性格的语言就是纯粹和谨慎,而不是粗俗或不相干的表达方式。
namely, that
ardent7 and enthusiastic imagination which threw a magnificence over his whole course of thought. 也就是说,赋予他整个思维活动以华丽特征的热情和满腔热忱的想象。
poetical8 temperament9 is discernible throughout all his writings and in all his actions. 贯穿他全部著作和行为的是诗人般的气质。
We see it in all his descriptions of the beauties of the wild land he was discovering, 在他对发现的蛮荒之地流露出来的美全部描述中能窥到这种气质,
the purity of the atmosphere, the
fragrance12 of the air, "full of dew and sweetness," 环境之清纯,空气之芬芳,到处“充满珍露和芳香”。
the verdure of the forests, the
grandeur13 of the mountains, and the crystal purity of the running streams. 森林翠绿怡人,群山巍峨耸立,小溪流水潺潺,如水晶般纯净。
It spread a glorious and golden world around him, and
tinged14 everything with its own gorgeous colors. 在他眼前展开的是一个充满荣耀和黄金的世界,用其令人垂涎的色彩给万物镀上了象征荣耀的金色。