美国语文第六册 第162期:对被围困的描写(2)
时间:2019-05-21 00:52:23
The shouts of both parties augmented1 the fearful din2, the assailants crying, "Saint George, for merry England!" 双方呐喊声此起彼伏,使喧闹声愈发显得可怕。进攻一方高喊着,“圣乔治保佑快乐的英格兰!”
and the Normans answering them with loud cries of "
Onward3, De Bracy! Front de Boeuf, to the rescue!" 诺曼人有的高呼,“冲啊,狄布莱西!”有的大喊,“快去增援啊,弗朗·德·伯夫!”
"And I must lie here like a bedridden monk," exclaimed Ivanhoe, "while the game that gives me freedom or death is played out by the hand of others! “我的生死和自由取决于这场别人玩的游戏,而作为当事人的我却像一个瘫了的和尚一样躺在这里!”
Look from the window once again, kind
maiden4, and tell me if they yet advance to the storm." 艾凡赫高声喊道,“好心的姑娘,你再到窗口瞧瞧,告诉我他们是否已经冲了上来。”
With patient courage, strengthened by the
interval5 which she had employed in mental devotion, 瑞贝卡沉思片刻后,愈发坚强了,她平添了冷静的毅力,
Rebecca again took post at the lattice, sheltering herself, however, so as not to be exposed to the arrows of the
archers6. 重新来到窗框后面,找了个位置藏身,以便不被下面的弓箭手的冷箭射中。
"What dost thou see, Rebecca?" again demanded the wounded
knight7. “你看到什么了,瑞贝卡?”负伤的骑士又问道。
"Nothing but the cloud of arrows flying so thick as to dazzle mine eyes, and to hide the bowmen who shoot them." “我都眼花了,箭密得像乌云一样,把射箭的弓箭手都给挡起来了。”
"That can not endure," said Ivanhoe. “真叫人受不了,”艾凡赫道,
"If they press not right on, to carry the castle by force of arms, the archery may avail but little against stone walls and
bulwarks8. “他们若不冲到城边,凭体力展开肉搏的话,光靠弓箭是攻不上这石头墙和堡垒的。
Look for the knight in dark armor, fair Rebecca, and see how he bears himself; for as the leader is, so will his
followers9 be." 美丽的瑞贝卡,看看能不能发现那个穿深色铠甲的骑士,看他在做什么。作为带队的,士兵们都听他的。”
"I see him not," said Rebecca. "
Foul10 craven!" exclaimed Ivanhoe; "does he
blench11 from the helm when the wind blows highest?" “我看不到他啊,”瑞贝卡说道。“该死的懦夫!”艾凡赫大喊,“风大浪急的时候,难道掌舵的可以弃船而逃吗?”