美国语文第六册 第164期:对被围困的描写(4)
时间:2019-05-21 00:53:54
then instantly again shouted with joyful1 eagerness — "But no! but no! the name of the Lord of Hosts be blessed! 她随即又兴高采烈地叫道:“没倒下!没倒下!天主保佑!
he is on foot again, and fights as if there were twenty men's strength in his single arm, 他又站起来了,二十条大汉也抵不上他一只胳膊,他太勇猛了。
his sword is broken — he snatches an ax from a yeoman — he presses Front de Boeuf, blow on blow, 他的剑折断了——他又从一名骑兵队员手里抓过一把大斧——他冲弗朗·德·伯夫一斧子接着一斧子地猛砍,
the giant stoops and
totters2 like an oak under the steel of the woodman — he falls-he falls!" 大个子摇摇晃晃,好像被樵夫砍倒的一棵橡树——他倒啦,他倒啦!”
"Front de Boeuf?" exclaimed Ivanhoe. "Front de Boeuf," answered the Jewess; “是弗朗·德·伯夫吗?”艾凡赫高声问道,“是弗朗·德·伯夫,”犹太姑娘答道,
"his men rush to the rescue, headed by the
haughty3 Templar, — their united force compels the champion to pause — they drag Front de Boeuf within the walls." “他的人来救他了,领头的是圣殿骑士——他们两队人马联合起来挡住了对方的猛攻。他们把弗朗·德·伯夫抬回城堡里去了。”
"The assailants have won the barriers, have they not?" said Ivanhoe. “进攻一方攻下栅栏了吧?”艾凡赫问道。
"They have — they have — and they press the
besieged4 hard upon the outer wall; “攻下了——攻下了!他们已经逼近被围困的外堡墙进攻;
some plant ladders, some
swarm5 like bees, and endeavor to
ascend6 upon the shoulders of each other; 有人搭起云梯了,很多人彼此踏着肩头像蜜蜂似的一起往上涌,
down go stones, beams, and trunks of trees upon their heads, and as fast as they bear the wounded to the rear, fresh men supply their places in the assault. 守卫外堡墙的人用石头、木梁、树干向他们头上扔。一旦进攻的人受伤被抬走,立刻又有生力军来补充。
Great God! hast thou given men thine own image that it should be thus cruelly defaced by the hands of their brethren!" 万能的上帝啊!您照您自己的模样创造了人类,难道就是为了让他们互相残杀吗!”
"Think not of that," replied Ivanhoe; "this is no time for such thoughts. Who yield? Who push their way?" “不要多想了,”艾凡赫说,“这个节骨眼哪有时间想那些事情。快告诉我,谁败了,谁在乘胜猛攻?”