美国语文第六册 第169期:希腊游吟诗人之歌(1)
时间:2019-06-04 00:55:26
The isles1 of Greece! the isles of Greece! 希腊群岛啊,希腊群岛!
Where burning Sappho loved and sung, 燃烧着热情的萨福挚爱你,并为你歌唱,
Where grew the arts of war and peace,— 在这里,战争与和平的艺术同样兴盛,
Where Delos rose, and Phoebus sprung! 得洛斯岛耸于海上,太阳神阿波罗从这儿跃入海洋!
Eternal summer
gilds2 them yet, 海岛在永恒的夏天沐浴着金色,
But all, except their sun, is set. 可是除了太阳,一切都已沉下。
The Scian and the Teian
muse3, 塞奥和特奥的缪斯,
The hero's
harp4, the lover's
lute5, 英雄的竖琴,恋人的鲁特琴,
Have found the fame your shores refuse; 曾经在你拒绝登的岸上赢得了声誉;
Their place of birth alone is mute to sounds which echo further west 唯独在故乡喑哑无声,那歌声一直在西方回荡,
Than your sires' "Islands of the Blest." 越过了你祖先的“极乐海岛”。
The mountains look on Marathon, 群山远眺马拉松,
And Marathon looks on the sea; 马拉松凝望着大海的波涛,
musing6 there an hour alone, 我暗自在那里冥想一个时辰,
I dreamed that Greece might still be free; 依稀梦回依旧自由的希腊,
standing7 on the Persian's grave, 因为我伫立在波斯人的坟墓上,
I could not deem myself a slave. 不相信自己还是个奴隶。
A king sat on the rocky brow which looks o'er sea-born Salamis; 一个国王坐在怪石嶙峋的山坡上,凝望着悬于海外的萨拉米岛,
And ships, by thousands, lay below, 千万只战船在山下泊靠,
And men in nations,—all were his! 各个国家的军队都是他的人马!
He counted them at break of day,— 他在破晓时分点数,
And when the sun set, where were they? 可是斜阳西下时,他们却在何处?
And where are they? And where art thou, my country? On thy voiceless shore, the heroic lay is tuneless now,— 他们身在何方?你在哪里,我的祖国?在无声无息的岸边,英雄的短歌不再悦耳,
The heroic
bosom8 beats no more! 英雄的胸怀也不再怦跳!