美国语文第六册 第170期:希腊游吟诗人之歌(2)
时间:2019-06-04 00:55:59
And must thy lyre, so long divine, degenerate1 into hands like mine? 你那长久以来一直奏出神圣乐音的竖琴,竟落到我的手上?
Must we but weep o'er days more blest? 我们要为幸福的日子哭泣?
Must we but blush? Our fathers bled. 难道我们只有惭愧?我们的先辈已经流血。
Earth! render back from out thy breast a remnant of our
Spartan2 dead! 大地啊!把斯巴达人的遗骨从你的怀抱里送还!
Of the three hundred, grant but three, 哪怕只有三百壮士中的三个,
To make a new Thermopylae! 也会让温泉关大捷再现!
What! silent still and silent all? 什么?还是悄无声息,一切都归于静寂?
Ah! no;—the voices of the dead sound like a distant torrent's fall, 啊,不!先烈的喊杀声听上去就像远方的汹涌的瀑布,
And answer, "Let one living head, but one, arise,—we come, we come!" 那声音在说,“只要有一个人活着,站在高处号令——我们就响应,就响应!”
T is but the living who are dumb! 咦,只有活着的人才默不作声!
In vain—in vain!—strike other chords; 枉然,皆是枉然!弹别的曲调吧,
Fill high the cup with Samian wine! 且将杯子斟满萨摩斯的美酒!
Leave battles to the Turkish
hordes3, 把战场留给土耳其人去厮杀吧,
And shed the blood of Scio's vine! 任塞奥那鲜红的葡萄酒流淌!
Hark! rising to the
ignoble4 call, 听!每个冒失的酒鬼多么欢呼跃起
How answers each bold Bacchanal! 响应这个可耻的号召!
You have the Pyrrhic dance as yet; 你们跳着出征舞,
Where is the Pyrrhic phalanx gone? 可比鲁斯王的方阵朝哪里进发?
Of two such lessons, why forget the nobler and the
manlier5 one? 这是两个榜样,为什么竟忘了那更高尚和刚强的一个?
You have the letters Cadmus gave; 卡德穆斯为你们造字,
Think ye he meant them for a slave? 想想看难道是为了奴隶?