
华尔街基础英语Lesson 3

时间:2005-10-10 16:00:00



42. Well, here we are, back in Bighton, standing1 in front of our hotel.
43. Today, we’re visiting new English friends of mine, who live here in Brighton.
44. What?Today?
45. Yes, today, honey, so – where was I? Right, they’re friends of mine.
46. Their names are Peter and Rosie. Now, Peter’s a salesman.
47. He works for a full company.
7. And Rosie works at the American Embassy2 in London.
8. …
9. So they are very busy people, and it’s real sweet of them to make time to see us.
10. We are very lucky.
11. Can I say something?
12. ….
13. 13.I want to go play golf today, Deborah.
14. You know what the weather is like in England. Today it’s sunny, there is no rain.
15. Ok, it’s damn3 cold, but still, it’s a great day for golf. So that’s what I want to do today.
16. Sure honey, but we’re seeing Peter and Rosie today. You can play golf tomorrow.
17. I can’t play golf tomorrow. The weather won’t be like this tomorrow. It would probably rain.
18. Well, it is winter. Honey. Even in the States it rains a lot in the winter.
19. Yeah, well, in England it rains a lot in the spring, the summer, the fall and the winter.
20. But it’s not raining today, so let’s go play golf, ok? Hey, I’ll tell you what.
21. We can go play golf this afternoon, and we can still go see your friends in the evening.
22. No, that won’t work, I’m afraid.
23. Why the hell not.
24. Because I’m cooking dinner for us all.
25. They’re inviting4 us to dinner and you’re cooking it? It’s crazy.
26. We’re cooking it, honey, just because I’m a woman.
27. That doesn’t mean I must do all the cooking, now does it? Hey, will you look at us?
28. Here we are, just standing in front of the hotel, talking.
29. Let’s get going: we have a lot of shopping to do!
30. There’s a really good supermarket down this road, we can get everything we need there.
31. …
32. …
33. Well, my idea is to do something really typically American.
34. So I think I’ll make some Jambalaya.
35. Jambalaya? But that’s southern food. It’s from Pittsburgh, not New Orleans!
36. So what’s typical Pittsburgh food, then? Burger and fries?
37. No, Alan, Peter and Rosie are sophisticated5 people, they travel all around.
38. I want to cook them something real special. Ah, here we are, “Waithose”
39. I can’t see any shopping carts.
40. Over there. Honey, where it says “trolleys”
41. “Trolleys”? is that what they call shopping carts here? I’ll go and get one.
42. Geez, this shopping cart is so small! What with this country.
43. It’ll be big enough for it, Alan. We are only cooking one dinner.
44. Here we are.
45. What we need?
46. First of all, rice
47. Hey, look.
48. One pound. Is that enough?
49. Honey, I can see you are not a great expert on food.
50. What do you mean?
51. Well, first of all, easy cook rice is yukky, and second of all, you don’t want to use American rice anyway.
52. Why the hell not, why you’re cooking an American dinner?
53. Honey, we’re in Europe now. try to be a bit sophisticated, ok?
54. We’ll go for the Italian rice.
55. We need tomatoes, or “tomatoes” or they say here.
56. And peppers – red peppers, and prawn6.
57. And bacon. And lots of all, we need sausages. Great, that’s it. Let’s go and pay.
58. Where’s the check-out? Or do they call it, like, I don’t know.
59. This country.
60. They call it here just like we do.
61. Here it is.
62. Good. Do we have enough cash for all this staff?
63. Of course we do, honey. Anyway, this, this is, like, the third world.
64. …
65. …
66. So, let’s pay, and then we can go to Peter and Rosie’s.
67. And start cooking delicious Jambalaya.
68. Let’s go for it.



1 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
2 embassy HPWz2     
  • Large crowd demonstrated outside the British Embassy.很多群众在英国大使馆外面示威。
  • He's a U.S. diplomat assigned to the embassy in London.他是美国驻伦敦大使馆的一名外交官。
3 damn jnyzC     
  • Damn this useless typewriter!这台破打字机真该死!
  • I knew damn well what he was going to say.我非常清楚他要说什么。
4 inviting CqIzNp     
  • An inviting smell of coffee wafted into the room.一股诱人的咖啡香味飘进了房间。
  • The kitchen smelled warm and inviting and blessedly familiar.这间厨房的味道温暖诱人,使人感到亲切温馨。
5 sophisticated vimzWz     
  • She has become very sophisticated since she went to live in London.移居伦敦后她变得世故多了。
  • This is a very sophisticated machine.这是一台非常精密的机器。
6 prawn WuGyU     
  • I'm not very keen on fish, but prawn.我不是特别爱吃鱼,但爱吃对虾。
  • Yesterday we ate prawn dish for lunch.昨天午餐我们吃了一盘对虾。

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