
华尔街中级英语Lesson 72

时间:2005-10-12 16:00:00



- Good heavens! It’s Kristi!
- I don’t believe it! It’s Marco!
- What are you doing here?
- I’m here on business, the company I work for is holding a conference here in Washdon, what about you?
- Yes, I’m here for work too, look, Marco, I haven’t eaten yet, and I’ve also got to go over a few papers.
- Why don’t we meet at the bar later on? Say, about ten thirty?
Can you manage that?
- Oh, yes, certainly!
- Great! Well, see you later then.
- Hello, Marco, sorry I couldn’t make it earlier, I had all these boring documents to get through.
- That’s alright. I’ve only been here since half past nine. Well, what can I get you to drink?
- I’ll have a vodka and tonic1.
- A vodka and tonic, please, and another large scotch2.
- Alright, I’m doing my best!
- So, Marco, you’re not a student any more, obviously.
- No, certainly not! I’m working in the computer industry now, for ECS, Electronic Control and Security, in fact.
- They’re a multinational3 corporation, their headquarter is in Los Angeles, and they have branches all over the world.
- Yes, I’ve heard of ECS, of course. What do you do for them, then? Are you some sort of computer buff?
- Certainly not! Here, take a look at my card.
- “Marco Benini, Assistant Marketing4 Manager, Central Italy.” Good for you, Marco!
- I expect you get a pretty good income, too.
- It’s not bad – what’s left of it after I’ve paid tax.
- I thought Italians hardly ever paid tax.
- Ah, no. it’s only the very rich who manage that these days. But tell me about yourself, anyway, what are do up to?
- Well, I’m still working for North German TV. I’m in charge of the News Department now.
- Really? So we both seem to be doing pretty well then.
- Here are your drinks, sir. That’ll be $7.75.
- Put it on my bill, please. The company will pay. They look after their staff, you see.
- Will you sign here, please?
- I’ll put it down as “entertaining foreign clients”.
- I think the barman wants something, Marco.
- Can I have your signature, please, sir? On this bill?
- Here you go.
- Thank you very much, sir.
- Well, here’s to success!
-  Cheers, Marco! How about your private life, then?
- Is there a Mrs. Benini yet, sitting at home making much of spaghetti for her Marco?
- No, I’m not quite ready for that yet, although I’m engaged.
- What does your fiancée?  Do?
- Oh, she doesn’t have to earn her living at all, her surname5 is Strapieno.
- As a strapieno, the chocolate manufacturers?
- That’s right, her father’s the owner of the firm.
- Good for you! When are you getting married?
- Oh, we haven’t fixed6 a date yet.
- But it doesn’t mean that …you know…
- It doesn’t mean what?
- It doesn’t mean I can’t have a bit of fun when I’m away on business, if you see what I mean.
- Anyway, how about you, Kristi? You’re against marriage and having children and all these boring old things anyway.
- Aren’t you? Or have you changed?
- It’s not that I’m against it, I’m quite fond of children, but I don’t really feel like having any of my own.
- As far as marriage is concerned, well, the only interesting men I meet these days all seem to be unavailable or uninteresting.
- Oh, really? I hope you don’t think that I’m like uninteresting, I mean.
- Don’t worry, Marco, I’ve always thought of you as 100% interesting and I’m sure you still are.
- You bet! Both available and interesting! I need another drink. How about you, Kristi?
- Yes, I wouldn’t mind. But I was just thinking…
- Yes?
- I don’t really like this bar; the lights are much too bright.
- I know what you mean.
- So why don’t we go to my room, and maybe get something from the mini-bar?
- Nice idea, Kristi.
- Come on, then.



1 tonic tnYwt     
  • It will be marketed as a tonic for the elderly.这将作为老年人滋补品在市场上销售。
  • Sea air is Nature's best tonic for mind and body.海上的空气是大自然赋予的对人们身心的最佳补品。
2 scotch ZZ3x8     
  • Facts will eventually scotch these rumours.这种谣言在事实面前将不攻自破。
  • Italy was full of fine views and virtually empty of Scotch whiskey.意大利多的是美景,真正缺的是苏格兰威士忌。
3 multinational FnrzdL     
  • The firm was taken over by a multinational consulting firm.这家公司被一个跨国咨询公司收购。
  • He analyzed the relationship between multinational corporations and under-developed countries.他分析了跨国公司和不发达国家之间的关系。
4 marketing Boez7e     
  • They are developing marketing network.他们正在发展销售网络。
  • He often goes marketing.他经常去市场做生意。
5 surname Krvwg     
  • Her first name is Sheila and her surname is Kane.她姓凯恩,名叫希拉。
  • Wang is a very common Chinese surname.王是一个很常见的中国姓。
6 fixed JsKzzj     
  • Have you two fixed on a date for the wedding yet?你们俩选定婚期了吗?
  • Once the aim is fixed,we should not change it arbitrarily.目标一旦确定,我们就不应该随意改变。

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