
日常英文对话-Is Making Global Friends Tricky?

时间:2010-03-02 03:19:17


Chen: Hi Mark. I haven't seen you since we finished the seminar. How have you been?
Mark: I just got married recently. Let me introduce you to my wife, Esin.
Chen: Hi Azen? Am I pronouncing it correctly?
Esin: Yeah. You're doing fine.
Chen: Oh. Please say it again.
Esin: Esin. It's a little hard. Just don't worry about it.
Chen: Azin? Ezin?
Mark: Chen, Esin means it. It's alright with her if you call her name little bit differently. In the U.S. we try hard to pronounce names correctly. But, the problem is we're not familiar with all the languages spoken in this country. So, we don't always do a good job at pronouncing people's names correctly.
Esin: Chen, Mark's right. I am Turkish. It's not a big deal for us.
Chen: Well. I've lived in the U.S. for the last five years. So I know how important it's here to do it right.
Esin: Where are you from, Chen?
Chen: I am from Shanghai, China.
Esin: I've never been to China. How interesting it's to meet you, Chen.
Chen: Thank you, Azen. I feel the same.
Mark: Esin, I met Chen in a seminar on software engineering in Silicon1 Valley.
Esin: When was it?
Mark: I think it was in September of 2004. We clicked well. I was thrilled about his expertise2 on web-based software development.
Chen: Thank you, Mark. It's flattering to hear it. But, I was having a hard time to catch up with your English.
Mark: I understood you well, though. Since then the improvement you've made with your English is just incredible. I hardly hear an accent now.
Esen: Wow! You speak so well, Chen. I also don't hear an accent. I hope I will catch up that fast, too.
Chen: You already speak English so well, Azen. But, don't worry about it so much. Americans are not picky. They appreciate the improvement new comers make with their English.
Mark: Thanks, Mark. I feel differently about it, though. We, Americans, are not worried over all that because we are so much into our own business. But, I believe speaking English well for a new comer is number one necessity for a new comer to get ahead in this country.
Chen: Yeah. You're absolutely right. It's been a challenge for me to understand the American culture, to be accepted by natives. Because my culture is so different. So is the Chinese language.
Esen: Chen, in your early days was it hard for you to make new friends? Did you feel isolated3?
Chen: Of course it was hard. I was isolated in some ways, but I had my family with me.
Esen: So what'd you think of Americans? Are they easy to make friends with?
Mark: Don't you know the answer, yourself? I'm an American. Did I give you any hard time?
Esen: Oh, please be quiet. I want to hear it from Chen?
Mark: Ok. I'll shut up.
Chen: Americans tend to be friendly. But, to be honest with you, they make friends with new comers if there's a mutual4 interest and if you are in the right place. For example, if you meet with Americans in the business world, you could perhaps develop friendship with them outside their business. But this is not the case all the time.
Esen: You mean a mutual business interest makes it easy. So, what'd you mean by not all the time?
Chen: You must have a strong common interest. Perhaps it will be easy for you, Esen.
Mark: Can I just say this? It all depends on the person. If you are positive, sociable5, and have interests, then it's not hard. Was it hard for you to approach me, Esen?
Esen: No, it wasn't
Chen: Well, Esen is an attractive female, speaks English so well, and she is an engineer like yourself, Mark.
Mark: It's true. Her beauty attracted me to her in the first place, and then our common interest. But, I have friends with different interests than mine. Not necessarily it's all business.
Esen: I see.
Chen: I have to go now. Let's keep in touch.
Mark: Sure, we'll do that. You have my telephone number. Let's go out together for dinner sometime next week. I've met Sue already.
Esen: It willl be fun to get together and meet with your wife, Sue, and children.
Chen: Sure, let's do it. I'll call you next week, Mark. It's very nice to meet you, Azen.
Esen: It's very nice to meet you, too, Chen. We'll see you soon.


1. What is the topic of this conversation?

2. What is the main idea of the conversation?

3. What do the characters have in common?

4. What are the apperent cultural differences among the three characters?

5. Do you identify yourself with any of the characters?

a) If so, explain what you find commons between the character and yourself?

b) If not, explain why you are different in terms of the culture you represent. Is your cultural identity different than this person?



approach: transitive verb. to contact or get to a person

global: adj. in the world, world wide

tricky6: adj. difficult

make friends: idiomatic7 verb: to meet new people and develop friendship

make friends with someone: idiomatic verb. to develop friendship with someone or people. For example, I have made friends with many Americans

make it easy: idiomatic phrase: to ease out

seminar: n. a meeting that addresses an issue; a meeting of people with the same interest on a subject

got married: past participle of get marry. It suggest a person has just been through with his or her wedding,

introduce: v. to present someone to another person

pronounce: v. to make the sounds of a word, phrase. To utter a word, phrase

do fine: idiomatic verbal phrase. to perform within the normal standards

do a good job: idiomatic verb. to do something well. to perform well

to be good at something: to have the ability, skills, expertise to perform well in certain areas, subjects, tasks. Example: I am good at mathematics (I permorm well in mathematical work, tasks.) I am good at tennis (I play tennis well.)

do a good job with something: to do a certain task well. For example: Example: You have done a good job with your homework.

little: adj. not much

hard: adj. difficult

worry about: idiom verb: to think about with worry

careful: adj. paying attention

familiar: adj.

big deal: adj. important

do it right: idiomatic verbal phrase. to perform just the way it is expected

feel the same: idiomatic verbal phrase. to think the same

software: n. singular and plural8. a computer program or computer programs

software engineering: compound n. computer program development

click v. like each other (in this conversation)

thrilled: verbal adj with the passive voice. to excite, surprise

web-based: verbal adj with the participle form. related to the web

flattering: verbal adj.with ing. complimentary9

catch up to: idiomatic verb. to come up to someone's level for an expected standard; to close the gap

improvement: n. of the verb improve: performing better after trying and working on something for a while

new comer: compound n. an immigrant who has been in the U.S. for a short while already

incredible: adj. unbelievable

accent: n. to make incorrect sounds when speaking a foreign language

fast: adj. quickly

picky: adj. critical; selective; hard to please

appreciate: v. to understand the challenge and show high regard for the hard work (in this conversation)

feel differently: adverbial idiom. to think differently

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1 silicon dykwJ     
  • This company pioneered the use of silicon chip.这家公司开创了使用硅片的方法。
  • A chip is a piece of silicon about the size of a postage stamp.芯片就是一枚邮票大小的硅片。
2 expertise fmTx0     
  • We were amazed at his expertise on the ski slopes.他斜坡滑雪的技能使我们赞叹不已。
  • You really have the technical expertise in a new breakthrough.让你真正在专业技术上有一个全新的突破。
3 isolated bqmzTd     
  • His bad behaviour was just an isolated incident. 他的不良行为只是个别事件。
  • Patients with the disease should be isolated. 这种病的患者应予以隔离。
4 mutual eFOxC     
  • We must pull together for mutual interest.我们必须为相互的利益而通力合作。
  • Mutual interests tied us together.相互的利害关系把我们联系在一起。
5 sociable hw3wu     
  • Roger is a very sociable person.罗杰是个非常好交际的人。
  • Some children have more sociable personalities than others.有些孩子比其他孩子更善于交际。
6 tricky 9fCzyd     
  • I'm in a rather tricky position.Can you help me out?我的处境很棘手,你能帮我吗?
  • He avoided this tricky question and talked in generalities.他回避了这个非常微妙的问题,只做了个笼统的表述。
7 idiomatic ob8xN     
  • In our reading we should always be alert for idiomatic expressions.我们在阅读过程中应经常注意惯用法。
  • In his lecture,he bore down on the importance of idiomatic usage in a language.他在演讲中着重强调了语言中习惯用法的重要性。
8 plural c2WzP     
  • Most plural nouns in English end in's '.英语的复数名词多以s结尾。
  • Here you should use plural pronoun.这里你应该用复数代词。
9 complimentary opqzw     
  • She made some highly complimentary remarks about their school.她对他们的学校给予高度的评价。
  • The supermarket operates a complimentary shuttle service.这家超市提供免费购物班车。