27 研究小组发出警报 小心刚果战火重燃
Research Group Warns about Renewed Fighting in DRC
Katy Salmon
14 Jun 2001 22:23 UTC
The peace process in the Democratic Republic of Congo has 1)moved forward recently, but there also is increased fighting by Rwandan and Burundian rebel groups in the east of the country. A Brussels-based research institute says the international community must step up its 2)commitment to 3)disarm1 the foreign militias2, to prevent further 4)bloodshed.
The research institute, the International Crisis Group, warns there could be an 5)explosion of violence in eastern Congo unless urgent attention is given to the disarmament of foreign forces based there.
Some 15,000 Rwandan Hutu Interahamwe rebels and 10,000 Hutu 6)rebels from Burundi, known as FDD, use eastern Congo as a base to launch attacks on their home countries. They have stepped up their activities since the Congolese peace process took hold.
With United Nations forces now on the ground, observers say the Interahamwe seem to be trying to 7)relocate inside their own country. Last week, the Rwandan army had to fend3 off the heaviest rebel attack in years.
For Francis Grignon, a senior 8)analyst with the International Crisis Group, the United Nations should prepare troops in case there is a similar 9)upsurge in fighting in neighboring Burundi. "As regards Burundi, the possibility of a U.N. force being put on 10)standby should probably be 11)advocated for," he said. "The security situation is becoming so dangerous that there is, indeed, a risk for a total war or, let us say, an even worse 12)deterioration of the security situation - an outburst of violence, that if international community just sits waiting for it, it will happen and nothing will be done because it takes time to react. If there is no force ready to intervene, we face a situation where a lot of lives are going to be lost once again, and the Security Council will be left watching." Later this week, the U.N. Security Council is expected to approve a resolution extending the U.N. 13)mission in the DRC for one year.
The International Crisis Group, or ICG, says the United Nations must draw up a 14)precise plan to disarm the Rwandan and Burundian rebel forces. It says the Burundian rebels must be brought into their own countries' cease-fire talks. They did not sign last year's Arusha peace accord, which has since hit a deadlock4.
According to Mr. Grignon, the Rwandan government must convince the Interahamwe that it is safe for them to disarm and return home. "Probably the majority of the fighters, must go through a process of 15)reintegration in their own country. They should be given the option, but they must receive 16)guarantees of the kind of treatment they are going to receive in Rwanda. They must be offered some security, otherwise there is no chance they are going to go back into Rwanda."
Most of those fighting today were too young to take part in Rwanda's 1994 17)genocide, in which at least half a million 18)minority Tutsis and moderate Hutus were 19)slaughtered. However, ICG says those who committed genocide must face trial for their crimes.
ICG says it is up to the countries involved in the Congo conflict - Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Angola and Namibia - to 20)coordinate the disarmament. It wants the international community to pressure them to do so.
(1) move forward 前进
(2) commitment[kE5mItmEnt]n.委托事项, 许诺, 承担义务
(3) disarm[dIs5B:m]vt.解除武装,缓和,vi.放下武器
(4) bloodshed[5blQdFed]n.流血
(5) explosion[Ik5splEJV(E)n]n.爆发, 发出, 爆炸
(6) rebel[5reb(E)l]n.造反者, 叛逆者, 反抗者, 叛乱者
(7) relocate[ri:lEJ5keIt; (?@) ri:lEJkeIt]v.重新部署
(8) analyst[5AnElIst]n.分析家, 分解者
(9) upsurge[5Qps:dV]n.高潮
(10) standby[5stAndbaI]n.可以信任的人
(11) advocate[5AdvEkEt]n.提倡者, 鼓吹者vt.提倡, 鼓吹
(12) deterioration n.变坏, 退化, 堕落
(13) mission[5mIF(E)n]n.使命, 任务, 使团, 代表团
(14) precise[prI5saIs]adj.精确的, 准确的n.精确
(15) reintegrate[ ri: `IntI^reIt ]vt.再重新完整, 复兴
(16) guarantee[^ArEn5ti:]n.保证书, 担保, 抵押品vt.保证, 担保
(17) genocide[5dVenEsaId]n.有计划的灭种和屠杀
(18) minority[maI5nRrItI; (?@) -5nC:r-]n.少数, 少数民族
(19) slaughter[5slC:tE(r)]n. v.屠宰, 残杀, 屠杀
(20) coordinate[kEJ5C:dIneIt]n.同等者, 同等物adj.同等的 vt.调整
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v.解除武装,回复平常的编制,缓和 | |
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n.民兵组织,民兵( militia的名词复数 ) | |
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v.照料(自己),(自己)谋生,挡开,避开 | |
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n.僵局,僵持 | |
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